IT'S OVER! ...It's over?

IT'S OVER! Camelot has run its course! It's now...and I'm a little sad. See, not only do I now have to completely reset myself, but God is gone.

No, not God literally. We had this kind from another school come in to play the violin for us. I swear, to quote Mary Poppins, this guy is "practically perfect in every way." He's brilliant at the violin, he's funny, he's got a face carved by the angels--I swear! *conspiratorial whisper* He has, THE most gorgeous cheek bones I've ever seen. In. My. Life.

And he's jacked! Are you kidding me? You should see his biceps. Not even trying, and you can see the major definition. Also, he has a six pack. My friend asked, and he told us so. He goes to the gym on a regular basis. He's perfect.

My and my friend are going crazy trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with him.

We were like, "Maybe he's gay," and we almost started crying. That'd be a terrible shame.

My friend wants me to go out with him. I'm like, "Yeah, when God bestows upon me the magical gift of social skills and empathy in a sudden mood of goodness." *eyeroll* Honestly, I wouldn't be able to hold a proper relationship with anyone, simply for the fact that I don't see the point. I'm not going to say, "I love you," when I don't mean it. I'm not marrying you, I don't want to have your babies. :p

But the play went pretty well, considering the amount of time we had to practice. A few funny moments and stuff, but overall a good time.

Anyway, just a quick update. I've got to go take a test now.

