Is There Anyone Out There

I'm rather upset right now. I got into it again with my mother, about college and an interview for a volunteer position at the hospital I have to go to tomorrow. I don't really want to talk about the details, because it gets complicated and tedious, but suffice it to say that I still don't understand what my mother wants and expects of me. Everything I say seems like the wrong thing, everything I do seems the wrong thing. I want to go away for college, she asks me why, I say because I want to experience new things, and because I don't want to spend the rest of my life where I am now, she says I'm either a) running away, b) want to go away because I don't know what it's like out there, and c) I can get a perfectly good education at our local community college and something about how she didn't go to sleep-away college and going away to college is over-rated.

I wish I could say that I'm not the same person as she is, and that I have the opportunity to go away and I want to take it, but I'd get in so much trouble. So I settled for asking her if it was a bad thing that I wanted to go away since I have the opportunity, and she said no, and I said so what's the problem, I have the opportunity, and she said maybe that's the problem, I gave you too many opportunities when you were younger and now you feel that you have too many things you can do, and I said is it my fault that I tried to do the best at every opportunity I was given? and then I shut up after that. And cried. A lot. My eyes are so puffy right now, I feel like a horse kicked me in my eyes. :p

Because that's part of the problem. I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, but school-wise, I'm pretty much acing everything. I love to write, and I love to play music. I'm interested in a lot of different things, and I want to be able to incorporate all of it into my life. But my mother keeps telling me that I can't do everything, and I don't know who to believe, her, or myself. And I think she really doesn't like me doing music because it takes up a lot of my time, and she says it's making me unbalanced and it stresses me out. But ever since I was little, music had been all I wanted to do. One of my life goals when I was younger was to make it into the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

And here I am, after a lengthy explanation I didn't even want to go through. Whatever. I don't know what to do. I forgot to ask my teachers for my letters of rec (which she blamed on music, by the way, me forgetting), but I plan on doing that when I get back from spring break. She wants me to make up a plan of exactly what I'm going to do from here to applying to college to after college, getting a job and everything. She asked me again what I want to do, and I said I don't know, and that starting a whole new thing, which I really don't want to get into but I am anyway, aren't I. I've asked her one more than one occasion what she thinks I should do, and she always tells me the same thing: accounting, nursing, lawyer, or the ever popular, whatever you do, you'll be good at. I have told her on more than one occasion that I'm not sure, but I have a general direction. Yet here she is, upset with me because I don't know. So I cried. More.

Then I forgot to put the jacket to her nursing uniform in the washing machine, and she got upset with me over that, saying that it's always a problem to do the laundry, she always makes sure that I have a uniform for school, but to wash her uniform is a problem, and that I had an attitude when she asked me to wash her uniform.

I thought I put a whole set in there. Apparently I didn't. It was a mistake. I apologized, and then cried some more.

Then there was the whole thing about how I refused to tell her that my way of de-stressing is by talking to people in my head, but that's a whole new thing I really won't get into.

Or maybe I will. I tried to tell her that my way of staying unstressed is different from hers. I tend to take life on a minute-by-minute basis. Planning things out to see where things might stress me only stresses me out more. If I just take things as they come, I'm fine. I don't stress much on a normal basis. But having my mother constantly telling me I'm stressed, I seem stressed, or I will be stressed in the future--quite frankly, it's stressing me. And so when I told her that I have my own way of dealing with stress, she said that it was by spending ten hours on the computer. I said no, because while spending time on the computer (reading fanfictions, by the way, ) does help with stress, it's not the main thing I do. And so we went back and forth a couple times, until I said flat out that I couldn't tell her because she wouldn't understand. And she wouldn't. And she got upset, and I said it wasn't just her, I don't talk about it with anyone, because I don't. It's personal. I don't even talk about it with my best friends. People would think I'm crazy if I told them that, yeah, I talk to people in my head on a regular basis, yeah, I know technically I'm just talking to myself, but it makes me feel better so nyeah. Then my mother told me I was being selfish and self-centered by not talking about it, and I stayed silent, because that only confirmed a sneaking suspicion I've been having over the years.

Anyway, I'm getting to the point where I really, really need to talk to someone who'll actually listen and who's not biased on the situation, but I have no one, really. I have asked for a psychiatrist over the years, but my mother keeps saying I don't need one, which kind of upsets me, because she did say when she was getting a divorce that if either one of us (me and my sister) felt like we needed a psychiatrist, to say so. And I have. But whatever. I think that's why I talk to myself a lot of the time. I don't have anyone else, so I make do with who I have. Then there's the argument that she won't and no one else will understand me unless I talk about it. Been there, tried that, doesn't work.

I guess I'll end this by saying that I love my mother, and I know she means the best for me and my sister, but sometimes I think she doesn't understand me as well as she thinks. I know, typical teenage bullshit, but...I don't know. I know I'm not understanding the way she thinks, and I've told her that so many times it feels like an automatic response. I think I've changed, and she doesn't understand the new me, which is probably my fault, since part of that change involving not talking about my emotions. I don't know anymore. The only thing right now I can take refuge in is writing. Which is what I'm about to go do. Peace out.

Oh, yeah. Happy Belated Easter everyone!

Confuzzled and listening to Japanese rap,

P.S. Personal shout-out: Happy B-day, Cam!
