Don't forget the Mexican spices!

I'm baaaaack!

...from Boston, that is. This trip was, out of the three band/show choir trips I've gone on, was the worst, event-wise. It all started on Day One...

Even before leaving, I knew this trip would be a handful and a half. The itinerary for the trip had us booked to the gills with events. Every spare minute of our time up to curfew was occupied by something, an attempt to prevent any mischief (thank you, cheerleading trip). Day one required us to be at school at 5 o' clock a.m. We didn't pull out until somewhere around 6:30. I slept through most of the trip up to Boston, and then we had about half an hour for lunch. I had chicken and shrimp teriyaki. Yum. Then we went on a duck tour of Boston in an amphibious vehicle, which was alright. Would have been better, were it not for a certain someone being totally and completely obnoxious.

After the duck tour, we went back to our hotel. This is where problems really started. As the room keys were being handed out, some of us suddenly realized we didn't have rooms. Uh-oh. We found out that half of our rooms weren't ready. What made it even worse was that we had gotten back to our hotel at least an hour later than we were supposed to. There was no way our rooms would have been ready on time. On top of not even having rooms, we needed to leave the hotel at 5:30 to get to the Boston Symphony Orchestra on time. By 4:45, we half of us still didn't have rooms, including our choral director. Needless to say, she was pissed off.

Me and my friends didn't get our rooms in time, so the three of us went to my sister's room and changed there--eight girls changing in one room. Oh, the joy. We barely arrived at the symphony on time and had to rush to our seats. The symphony was wonderful, but by the time we got to the last piece, we were so tired we really just wanted to go. I spent the entire last piece just trying not to fall asleep. I conked out on the ride home, and when we got back, our directors told us curfew was at twelve. My roommates and I went upstairs to investigate our room, and were very disappointed. There was purple shit on the ceiling, the bathroom was dirty, and the wall lamp was hanging out of the wall. After noting this, we went out into the hallway to go retrieve our things from my sister's room, and the hotel manager is up and down the hallways, telling us all to get in our rooms, curfew is at eleven. He was telling us we were all making too much noise and that we needed to get in our rooms.

I don't know who this guy thought he was, but he had some nerve coming and telling us that. First of all, we didn't get back to the hotel until after eleven. Second, the reason we were in the halls in the first place was because we all needed to get our things from other rooms because the hotel didn't have our freakin' rooms ready on time! Maybe if they had done their jobs right and had our rooms ready on time, we wouldn't all have been running around trying to get our things! Me and my roommates had a good time ranting about the crackhead team that was running the hotel.

So that was Day One. I woke up Day Two with the worst headache of my life and a stuffy nose, and then had to go sing, because we were doing workshops on a college campus. I found out that I, along with several others who were in both band and choir, would not be going to Salem, as we originally thought we would. So, I sang, the lady critiqued, and then I went over for band. I played, and then I went with a couple friends to get some lunch (ramen and shrimp--yum!). We sat outside in the sun and ate, and my friend's mother told us that the choral director wasn't letting the choir kids go to Salem in favor of more practice. So, really, out of everybody that paid to reserve the museum solely for us, the only people who went were people only in band. We were a little ticked off at that. Then we went to play a game with a bunch of college students. That was one of the most fun moments of the trip. After that, we left the college and went to see the Blue Man Group, another concert for which we were late. But the concert was fun, another fun moment of the trip. After that, we went to the market and to dinner, where me and my friends walked around talking in British accents. We bought some stuff, ate dinner, and then walked around some more. It was pretty much the only free time we had on the trip, and I wish we had more. But it was fun. We went back to the hotel, and me and my roommates spent the rest of the night being stupid in the room.

I'll continue the Boston Trip reminiscing later, Days Three and Four. They're so action packed, they deserve another post.

GAH! I have so much stuff to catch up on at Organization Oblivion! Not to mention I have to finish Duet con Trio. -_-' I didn't have enough time to finish it before I left, so now it's even more late. It's been fermenting in my brain and taking up space for about a week now.

Um...I can't think of anything else right now, so bye.

Oh, yeah! The weather is beautiful. It smells like summer. I'm happy.

Sniffling and tired,
