The Spices Are The Heart Of The Art Of The Cooking

So! Back again, for part two of Boston!

Day Three. Competition day. I woke up at five, after about five hours of sleep. Story of my life. Anyway, I went through all of the prep stuff and we got on the bus and all, and went to choir competition. The only really important thing that happened there was a groups of kids from another school (whom I will not name) who were eating, laughing, and pointing during our classical choir performance--being general asshats. Our director was really upset and told the people in charge about it. We were all pretty upset about it, too. More like super pissed-off.

After that we went to our band competition, but not before a really quick and crowded stop at McDonald's for lunch. Then our bands went up, and that was the end of competition. We got back to the hotel with about an hour until the dinner dance, so we got ready and stuff. The important thing is the actual dance. It was terrible. It was ridiculously crowded, and my friends and I were too tired to dance, so we sat by the side. Then after a while, we went to the other end of the room where it was emptier and danced a little and hung out around there. Then the real ish went down. Some guys from one of the New York schools was cussing and threatening one of our girls, and I could write a whole book on how pissed off I was because it was a bunch of ghetto black boys with no manners at all (I'm black myself) had the nerve to come to a formal event and act like that. That's when our chaperons said we could go upstairs if we wanted to. A bunch of us, mostly juniors and seniors, I think, went up to the room. My sister stayed at the party (I made sure she was safe), and so we hung out upstairs for the rest of the night. Pizza, video games (Super Smash Bros.!), chocolate covered almonds, ice, music--it was pretty fun.

So that was our last night in Boston, a massive hallway party. The next morning, we woke up, ate breakfast, got on the bus, went to church. Nothing special. The only thing that happened was about two hours away from home, my sister got hit in the head with a laptop that fell from an overhead compartment. The buses pulled into a CVS and they pulled me off my bus to be with her. Everyone is still asking me if she's okay. It's nice to know all my friends care, I guess. But she's fine. It was just a little bump. And so my friend said to me, "Wow. Everything that could go wrong on this trip did."

Yeah, pretty much.

My favorite Boston trip quote: "What the fuck is that shit on my ceiling?!" XD XD XD

Oh, yeah. Good times. I guess I'm glad to be back. But I'm going to be out again on Friday, for Law Day. :P

Ramen-deliciously yours,
