
Today I posted a few comments to people's wallpapers.
One particular wallpaper I complimented the color scheme, and added a few suggestions on how to make it better. Throughout the day I've gotten bored and just started browsing. I happened to click on that same wallpaper I'd left a comment on earlier and saw that my comment had been deleted.

Do people here really not care about improving or hearing feedback?
Do they really think that they're already perfect and can't or don't want to improve?
No, I don't think I'm the best wallper. FAR, far from it. But I can still point out little things that might make improvements. A lot of people can.

I myself am tired of putting my wallpapers on here which get no comments/hugs/whatever at all, and I spend several hours on each of them. As I commented on one of my last wallpapers, it's been... honestly, a below average experience here. I'm sticking to minitokyo and animepaper. To anyone who reads this, I can be found on those sites :)
