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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Gone for 2 Days~ ^^

Hey guys! How's it goin? As for me, I am going to be completely gone for the next two days! I think this is the longest so far that I've ever been gone from here. XD I have this OCD thing about me where I have to keep up with updates and such, or I feel like I'll miss something important...

But anyways, I'm going on a trip with my sucky choir to Universal Studios, and it's an overnight trip that we get back from early Sunday morning. So on top of suffering with all the people I despise in my choir class, I won't have internet access! *cries* But it's all good, I'll survive... Somehow... *dies*

On that note, Happy Early April Fools! I'm almost glad I'm not gonna be here tomorrow, what with the pony icons for everyone. *shudders* And who knows what kind of practical jokes people can play virtually? That's a disturbing thought. :'D

Hopefully I won't be so busy in the coming weeks that I actually have time to make a card or finish a wallpaper, but... That's wishful thinking. T.T

See ya'll Sunday!

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What all our icons look like. XD

Nicknames! ^^

Thought this pertained to my life, so I put it here. XD

Anyways, I have a lot of different nicknames for people, so I'm going to write them all down below! If you are reading this and would like to be called something different from what I call you now, feel free to comment and let me know. :3

MiseryMiss - My elderly wifu, Squishy

LightFykki - Fy-Fy [*mind you, only I can call him this], darling

Cloud55strife - Marshmallow-chan, Cloud-Cloud

xNotUnderstood - Dan-ster

Animegirl171 - Anna-chan

Asuha612 - Asu-chan

TwinkLes - L-chan

fma17 - Gabrie-chan

Hana Ishida - Hana-nyan

FallenAngel 01 - FallAn-chan

Aaaaaand... I forget. =w= BUT, if you are said person who I did forget, or you just want a nickname, comment, comment, and comment some more! :D I like being unique. ;))


Because I love this song! ^^

Japan Relief Efforts + SNSD vs. Lady Gaga? ^^

So, I would hope every one of you have heard about the tragedies in Japan (if not, I have nothing to say to you... XD), but an 8.9 earthquake hit last Friday, triggering a tsunami that reached all the way to California, and also messing up a nuclear power plant. Risks of radiation are a possibility at this point in time, and everyone within 19 miles of the plant are advised to stay indoors.

On that note, there was an epic fail on the news the other day, when it said there was a nuclear plant called "SHIBUYAEGGMAN" near Tokyo. See the full story HERE.

And it appears that Gaga is getting more plaigarism claims over her song "Born This Way", now from the K-pop group SNSD! The song allegedly copied is SNSD's "Be Happy". The producer has attempted to get in touch with Lady Gaga's publishing label, but nothing else has been heard over this subject. Will Lady Gaga ever catch a break? XD

Pray for Japan,

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Click the image above for an awesome challenge! ^^

Otakuversary Contest! ^^

Well, with my Otakuversary fast approaching, I realized that I wanted to do something really special, considering it's my first and all. :D So I shall be having a contest for all of you guys, where I will give back to this amazing community~ ^^

How do I enter this contest?

All you have to do to enter the contest is comment in the comment box below! It's that simple!

What exactly is the contest?

The contest is basically a chance for me to see who actually clicks on my posts. XD You guys all deserve something great! ^^

What are the prizes?

The prizes are a secret at the moment, but I promise that commenting below is not that hard, and definitely worth it. :)

How are the winners chosen?

The winners will be chosen randomly by me with a blindfold on and papers in a hat, fools. X3

When will the winners be announced?

The winners will be announced on my Otakuversary April 3rd!

Comment Away~

*shot for not realizing sooner that her Otakuversary is actually on April 3rd instead of March* XD

Hiking! ^^

Hey guys! I understand why no one wants to read these really stupid posts, but thanks to anyone who clicked on this. XD I <3 you all!

Anyways, my friend and I, and my parents, went hiking today... For reasons I know not of. >__>; BUT, I thought I was going to die because of the steepness. 0______e; Really, one wrong step and you're tumbling off a cliff! And warning signs all the way up! Haha I realized that my legs are really out of shape. Going half a year without biking a billion miles everyday really made me lose all my muscles. XD

Then we came home and did random stuff, and recorded like, three songs for future cover videos! And I discovered something amazing; interactive youtube videos! Haha I knew about them before, but never took an interest in them. They're pretty entertaining, though! X3 Shane Dawson scares me.

By the way, did anyone else see the new page? Did anyone else hate it? I despise the way the news things are so huge, it makes everything else look very empty! And I miss the four works being featured! Didn't look cluttered and all, and I liked seeing the cards displayed there, because more often than not they featured beautiful works there I wouldn't see otherwise! Someone, please, change it back. D:

Take care~!

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You can say that again.