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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Happehness ^^

*is currently bouncing around the room* XD

Well, I am suuuper happy today, the first reason being that it's Friday (duh) and exams are over (double duh!)! So I guess now there are three reasons, huh? ^^; I probably failed my math and science exams (=_=), but I think I did pretty good in English... Maybe... T.T

Anyways, the third reason is that my card is on the main page! Fo-freakin-sho! Aaaaand, look at that! Look at it! (*feels really stupid getting all hyped up over this*)

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KYAAAA! I've reached the ultimate happiness. *____* Especially now so that exams are over. Haleluiaa! And now I have all weekend to finish all the icons that I still have to do, and basically do a bunch of other random stuff...

And my daddeh is coming home today, too! Huzzah! And yeah, that's basically all I have to say to you guys today. ^^ Thanks for reading! You guys rock! :D


My new favorite-ist card that I have ever made. XD

Tribute To E-Card-Ists~ ^^

Hey thur! ^^ Because of my recent obsession interest in making e-cards, I've been looking out for those really awesome e-card makers, and I feel like they deserve more appreciation. So this is just a little post for them! Be sure to check out their profiles~

First up is the first of the amazing card-ist that I have subscribed to, Angel Zakuro. Her cards really inspire me. I love the colors, brushes, textures, fonts, everything that she uses in her cards makes each one beautiful and original!

Second is Ritona Raito, who in my eyes is a legendary card maker here on theO. She holds the coveted title of numero uno on the e-card leaderboards for 1 Month, 3 Months, and 1 Year. I am amazed by her ability to turn a plain, boring scan into something spectacular, vibrant, and just plain amazing. I can only wish to make cards like that someday!

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Next up is ShiningHime, who proves that less is more, and that cards don't always have to be complicated. I just love the way that she uses textures and brushes, and her fonts are too cute! Every image she uses is absolutely adorable, and her style seems effortless yet each card speaks volumes!

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Lastly, but not least, is ecnelisterger! He really knows how to use textures, and I love how bright all his cards seem to be! The typography ties in with the images each and every time, and I am pleasantly surprised again and again to see how easily he seems to be able to find a quote to fit each picture~<3

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Each of these card artists deserve way more subscribers than they currently have. :)) Please be sure to sub them, or drop a nice comment if you ever get the chance! And of course, there are a billion other amazing artists out there, so don't think I won't be doing another post like this. XD


Screwed =_=

So yeah, I'm screwed. -_-'

Apparently my mom found a note some random girl wrote to me talking about my old boyfriend, and now she is continually accusing me of going out with him when truthfully, I am not! She won't listen to me no matter what I say, even though I am telling the truth. *sighs* I'm supposed to be the advice giver here, and I need advice now... Dkiamgedjcpside. :P

Anyways, new card today! Not completely satisfied with it, but I tried something new by combining two images, at least. :/ Wish I had moved both images over a bit, and changed up the typography, but there's no going back now, I guess.

On a brighter note, I am finally using my itunes gift card to buy something! And what would that be? Nothing other than the Phantom of the Opera 2004 movie~~ I've been obsessed with Phantom ever since I saw the musical on my birthday, and now I cannot stop singing/watching/listening to anything that has to do with it. XD Good times...

And is anyone else as confused as I am about the ending of Kuroshitsuji season 1 and beginning the of 2nd? @.@ I mean, I am glad that my dear Ciel-kun is alive, but how the heck did that even happen... And even though Alois is morbidly delicious (inside joke *shot* X3), I must say that no one can replace Ciel~ I totally want to cosplay as him when he was crossplaying in season 1! >_<

I also created a challenge today, a card challenge to be specific, called Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover! If you love reading, I strongly suggest you join the challenge! :))

Thanks for reading this post, guys~<33 I really appreciate your comments!


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Anyone else wanna cosplay as Lady Phantomhive as much as me? :D

Fender Bender/World Revamp ^^

Hey guys! ^^ How're you all doing today? I myself am in a pretty good, because if you haven't noticed yet... I redid my entire world! :D Isn't it so pretty?! Much nicer than the ugliness that it was before. XD Let me know what you guys think of it! And I loove the intro, it looks so... sophisticated! And shout outs to MiseryMiss and LightFykki who's world links I've posted! :))

Anyways, this happened last week, but I haven't had a chance to post about it all week long! (cause for some reason I've had a lot of homework -_-') But last week I got into a mini car crash! It was kind of scary... What happened was that I was in the car with my momm cause she needs company to go to Walmart, and we were turning into one of those shopping center thingies, and some random blind chick comes barreling out onto the street straight into the back of the car. It was so obviously her fault. No one was injured, and my mom says that she was worried more for our dog than for me. XD Well, she knows how to make a person feel loved!

Also, if you haven't noticed, I have changed my icon to the awesome Lady Phantomhive! After MiseryMiss finally reminded me to watch Kuroshitsuji, I really liked it and ended up watching 15 episodes of it on Sunday. ^^ I know, I have nothing better to do on the weekends! But it's really good, and I can't wait to finish the first season!

So yeah, that's basically all I have to say. :)) Enjoy the new awesomeness of this world!


PS If you haven't already, scroll down to the post below and listen to my and my friends' Jar of Hearts cover!

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Jar of Hearts Cover! PLEASE CLICK! ^^

Hey guys! Yer own HB32 here with some great news! My friends and I finally finished our Jar of Hearts cover! The original song is sung by Christina Perri! She has a really wide voice range, so it was perfect for myself and my two friends. The quality of the video is somewhat crappy because the microphone we were using was from Band Hero (LOL XD), but please let me know what you think!

MiseryMiss sings first, then me, then my other friend who doesn't have an account on here!

And please PLEASE rate/comment/like/fave the video, it would really mean a lot to me! Thanks a bunch, and enjoy the song~
