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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Bad Start T.T

Hello, guys... Well, happy new year! It's 7 PM at the moment, so there's still a while left to go until the new year. But anyways, it's kind of a bad start to the new year for me, because my grandma is in the hospital. D:

Apparently this morning she was admitted to the emergency room because she was in so much pain that she couldn't recognize anything. She can't even recognize a chair, or how to say the word unless someone says the word first. So yeah, I'm kinda bummed out at the moment... Oh well.

Anyways, happy new year! Unfortunately I didn't get to make a card like I've been doing for the past week... Lolz. I'll have to make a belated one for tomorrow. ^^

Happy new yearr!

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Premium Memberr! ^^

Guess what, guys?! I'm now an official premium member of the Otaku! *happeh dances* :DD I can't believe that I actually bought it! I wanted to wait until the first of the year to buy it (cause then I'd remember when it ended XD), but I couldn't wait and just decided to buy it today. ^^

So yeeah, I got that cupcake by meh name, and my little siggy. X3 Good times, good times... And while I'm here, I might as well tell you what's going on in my life, ne? Here goes...

I bought the Taiga costume! Yes, after all your guys' helpful comments, I decided that most people liked that costume! I might buy another one, but I might wait a little while, because I don't want to spend all my money too quickly! I'm debating on whether or not to buy the wig, though... What do you guys think?

And I'm making cards again, if you haven't checked them out! And yesterday I was delighted to find that my "A Kind Word..." card was on the main page! I started happy dancing right there. XD I don't think that has ever happened to me before...

But anyways, I was thinking of going and making all of my subscribers a card! Just a random card to brighten up their days! But it'll take me over 95 days to do it, so I am not sure if I should do that... My next card goes out to Xxpicklejuice01xX, so start watching out for that!

And now that I'm a premium member, I was thinking of making a new RP world! Would anyone be interested in joining? Either that, or an advice world for those of you who need advice on stuff... But I'd need people to actually ask questions... So if you guys have any ideas on what new worlds I should make, definitely let me know! ^^

Lot's Of Love,

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That's me right there. XD

Real Friends and Fake Friends ^^

REAL FRIENDS: Never ask for food. FAKE FRIENDS: are the reason you have no food. REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs. FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM. REAL FRIENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we mess...

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Get Outta Mah Pants! ^^

Tag that I stole... From everybody :DD Put your playlist on shuffle. ◦When you get your song title, add "in my pants" after the song. ◦YOU MUST WRITE IT NO MATTER HOW FUNNY IT SOUNDS. ◦Do this 20 times. ◦Tag ...

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Cosplay Help! ^^

Hello guys! ^^ Happy Day After Christmas! XD I know that I had a great one! And now that I have acquired mucho moolah, I am debating on which cosplay costumes that I am going to buy! I have narrowed it down to a couple, and now I want you guys to tell me which one you like the bestest! Thankz! ^^

First up we have Chikaru Minamoto, from the series Strawberry Panic! Here is a piccy of her!

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Next we have Zakuro from Otome Youkai Zakuro! Clicky hur for the original picture!

Third is Misaki Ayuzawa, from the ever so awesome anime Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Picture of her can be found here~ (minus the ears and tail XD)

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Here is another one from Strawberry Panic, Shizuma Hanazono! Click for original picture now!

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Noww we have the lovely Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad! Original image is hereee!

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Here's one of my faves, Taiga Aisaka! It's also a plus that she's short (like moi), click here to see proof!

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That's it at the moment (until they make costumes for all the new series T.T), so please let me know which ones ya like the best!
