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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Merreh Christmas/Eve/Birthday~ ^^

Hey guys! MERRY CHRISTMAS! ^^ I hope you all are having a wonderful day so far! Some of your Christmases may already be over, but mine has just begun! :DD And I am uber excited! Below you shall see a recap of the past three days! Bwahaha!

OMG IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY! XD I'm still in shock. Thank you guys SO SO much for the presents, guest book signatures, and gifts! I got an AMAZING picture from LightFykki who is the most awesomest person everrr! Then I got an EPICLY kawaii card from Alexa-chan who is also the bestest personn! And then an UBER cuute wallpaper from ecnelisterger! I also got a ton of presents and birthday wishes, so THANK YOU GUYS!

And then yesterday was Christmas Eve! I went to a Christmas partay at meh Grandma's house! We didn't really do anything now that I think about it... But we played musical chairs, did a grab bag exchange, ate, and my friend and I came up with our very own card game! X3 We just need a name for it! And I pwned her at Speed. Anyone else play that game? 'Tis the bombb!

AND TODAY IS CHRISTMAS! FOR ME! :)) Waaah! I got to open all my presents today, and guess what I got?! 706 FREAKIN' BUCKS! Not bragging or anything, but that is a crapload of money right there! I'm making it rain! XDD Now I can buy all the costumes I want for the AX convention, and buy whatever I want there too! Bwahahaha!

So, what'd you guys get for Christmas?? I hope you guys have tons of fun today! ^^ Merry Chrismtas!


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I love Toradora~<3

Taggeth ^^

Free time. :3 Felt like randomly doing tags! [] Both of your parents are from Asia [] You use the term “Azn” [X] You think DDR is fun [X] You’ve watched lots of anime [X] You like Korean dramas...

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I'm Goin' On a Trip~ ^^

I'm goin' on a trip in my favorite rocket sh- *shot*

Okaaaay! Well, in case you haven't already heard from MiseryMiss, she and I won a free, all-expense paid, trip to Washington DC! *somewhat enthusiastic shout* So yeah, I'm pretty excited! But kinda bummed now that I don't get to go to Hawaii over spring break now. :/ Hopefully we'll be able to go during the summer! ^^ And I won't be able to be on the computer for five days! I won't be able to go on the computer during the Anime Expo thing either. >_< I guess I better get used to not being on the computer, huh...

Aside from that, I've discovered a new obsession! Wanna know what it is? *pokes* Huh, huh, do ya, do ya? It's Japanese dramas! Ah mah gawds, they are just so amazing! I never thought I'd find anything that I liked more than anime but... I found it! First off, it's just awesome to see real people in action, ya know? And then I have people that I can actually love... Because they're real! I just finished the wallflower live action series today, and I was totally bawling. Let me tell you that it was WAAAAY better than the anime! Much more satisfying. :D And I'm watching Nobuto wo Produce now, which is pretty good so far!

Did I mention that Kazuya Kamenashi is probably the sexiest person EVERR?! *drools* He's a Japanese idol, a singer–songwriter, an actor, a producer, a radio host and an occasional model. How could you NOT love all that?! Here is a picture of him, although I have no idea how recent it is... But it's still pretty smexeh! :3

And that's about all I have to say! Thanks for readin', and I'll see you all next time!

Kame is Lurve,

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Absolutely amazing cast! :3 I'm rooting for a second season, like that's ever going to happen...

Urban Dictionary TaG! ^^

Rules: Go to www.urbandictionary.com and type in your answers to the following ten questions. Post the first definition it gives you. 1. What is your name? Brooke A word more along the lines of Gorgeous, Beautiful, Pretty, Glam...

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MiseryMiss Merry Christmas! ^^

Here is MiseryMiss's Christmas icon! :DD I'll be making one for LightFykki just cause I can... And anyone else if ya request one. ^^ Yeah, it's pretty ugly, but I actually did a lot to this one... Here is the original picture. And here is the icon!

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Hope ya like it. :3 If you compare the first picture and the second... A lot happened to that poor little picture. :))

Merry early Christmas, friends!