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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Taggish! *running out of tag words* ^^

Stolen from Kyouyarenge! *demonic laugh* XDD [x] You've seen at least one anime. [x] You've read at least one manga. [x] You watch anime/read manga on a regular basis. [x] You think that anime and western cartoons are two ...

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Harry Potter Taggness~ ^^

GRYFFINDOR: [X]You’ve never done illegal drugs. [ ]You have a lot of friends [ ]You get along with everyone [ ]You haven’t made fun of someone for at least two months [ ]You love soccer [ ]You love b...

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Karma! ^^

I know you're getting sick of me posting already. XD Sorry people! If you don't want to read the pointless rant below leave now...

Okay, well, I come to you today somewhat ticked off... Cause I hate people who expect to get comments and stuff on their world when they don't comment themselves. Not that I'm speaking of anyone specifically, it just bugs the crap out of me. I mean, how long does it take to open a comment box and type ten characters just to make someone feel better? Not that long, let me tell you. =_= I mean, if I don't comment, I don't expect anything back, but if I do comment and that person just takes it for granted and does nothing in return... It irritates me.

Show some grateful-ness, people! Jeez. I mean, take it from LightFykki, who comments on everyone's posts. Obviously, it's not too much work to think up something to say in response to a person's posts, or even a fanart or wallpaper! And if you truly consider that person a friend to you, why wouldn't you comment? Sure a few missed here and there are alright, but you never know how that person might be looking forward to your opinion on something. I know I am always happy to see comments and replies and messages waiting for me when I log onto theO, and for you people who complain when you get nothing, well, there's one word for that.


Well, someone had to say it! *shot*

So, that basically sums up what I've been thinking for a while. I really have to thank LightFykki and Xxpicklejuice01xX (who I have to make an icon for!) for being so friendly and nice to me. :)) You guys are the best!

And on that happy note, I wrote a new story today! It's called Star-Crossed, and you can read it here! It's Greek mythology/high school themed!


Don't be a mean kitteh!

Gomenasai! ^^

Okay, that title was somewhat of a contradiction... Haha, I've been posting a lot lately, haven't I?

Anyways, I'd like to apologize to all the PMs that I haven't responded too! Lately I've been really busy, and so I only had time to answer the shorter messages that I've received! *bows* Sorry!

And for those RPs that I haven't posted in for ten years, I apologize to you people too! Most of the RPs that I'm in are dead, and I'm not sure what to post, so I don't... ^^;

Okay, now that I got that over with, time to share useless information about my week with you all. Like any of you are actually reading this. Wednesday was our mile run in PE (kill me =_=), and I got it in 10 minutes and 1 second. Like she couldn't have rounded it down or anything! That's a 21 second improvement from last time, so I'm pretty proud! :DD

Yesterday I spent all night writing a ferkin' essay on why I want to go to Washington DC, because there is a scholarship being given out for that and blah blah blah... >_< I'm sick of Washington DC.

And after that, I'm sick of writing too! So don't expect me to write a bunch this weekend...

And that's all I have for you guys this week! (short update!) Please join my Maid Latte RP world if you ever get the chance, and have a great day!

*epic music plays*

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This was extremely funny for me because I've watched both The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Code Geass... XD

Presents for MiseryMiss and LightFykki! ^^

Okay, so I don't know if MiseryMiss is going to like this or not because I'm getting a very bad vibe from her at the moment (T.T), but I put my heart and soul into this icon, so you better. xDD Did color splashing on this one, and tinting, and that was basically it... All done on photobucket! Original icon was taken from livejournal! Enjoy~

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And you would think they'd have a billion great Byakuya avatars out there, but nooooo! It took me forever to find this one, and editing it was a pain in my... =_= Ugh. So the end result is this icon. I hope you don't hate it, LightFykki. T.T

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Some word changes there, it's basically your preference!

Use 'em, don't, it's up to you guys. :))
