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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving Day! ^^

Happy belated Thanksgiving day, all! ^^ I know I am two days late (blame this chronicle disease I have, you may have heard of it, called "laziness"...), but the saying goes that it is better late than never! So let me go through a quick recap of what I did for Thanksgiving.

First, I woke up... IMed LightFykki on skype for like an hour, wrote some of my Strawberry Panic! fanfiction and basically did nothing overall. xDD Then, I went to my aunt's house for dinner and whatnot, beat up my mom's friend's sons, played with my cousins, and of course, ate. :)) Went to my grandma's house to help her with her Christmas cards, reviewed an anime, and went to sleep. So that was my totally and completely not exciting day in a nutshell!

Yesterday my book that I ordered off Amazon came in! It's the latest novel in the Blue Bloods series, Misguided Angels! It's really good so far, but I don't remember what happened in any of the other books so I am very lost... But oh well! :DD And also, my daddeh came home! For like an hour or so, but still! We got to stay in his truck for a while and I put a bunch of songs on the ipod that I gave him, but then he left... For Oregon or something... T.T

Today I stayed in my pajamas all day. Yeah, not joking. Watched Eat, Pray, Love, read, playing Tapic, a game on my itouch, and other random stuff. I really should do my science homework... But I do have one more day for that, so... X3

Basically, I just felt like telling you all what I've been up to for the past few days. My friends and I created this youtube account on Wednesday called XximPERFECTionismxX where we are going to put our covers and such on! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE subscribe! I'll be posting the videos on theO too just in case you people did not sub, but I'd really appreciate it if you did! Jar of Hearts, Read Between the Lines, Forget You, and Only Hope covers coming out soon! ^^

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time I'm in the mood for posting!

Bai Bai *Gin smile*

Don't you just love Gin? :3

Uncomfortable Meme! *insert epic theme song here*

Not much to say here... Except I stole this from littlepooch! *demonic laugh* :3 10 OCD-ish things about you: 1. When I hang up a phone call, how long the call was has to end in either a 5 or a 0. (I have no clue why -_-') 2. Th...

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ABC Tagness~

ABC's about You You've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with the ABC's of YOU. At the end, choose 26 people to be tagged. You have to tag me so really you just need 25 more people. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know m...

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MiseryMiss's reaction to the scary maze game. xDD (she has self esteem issues, so make sure you say that's she's really pretty in the comment ^^)

We'll be posting more cover videos and random stuff like that, so please subscribe and comment! :DD


Hisashiburi! ^^

It's been a while since I last posted, so I decided to just stop by and tell ya'll that I'm still alive! ^^ At the moment, I'm watching Avatar: The Last Airbender movie, and it's horrible... This is what happens when you take an anime and turn it into a movie. =_=

Anyways, I'm going to be making a new world (world number 5!!) later on today, and it's going to be all about Japanese culture! MiseryMiss will be making a world about Japanese language, and so they're kinda like sister worlds! Just so we can help you, and ourselves, learn more about Japan! Then we'll all be prepared to visit there someday. :DD

On that note, what is new with all of you? I still haven't had any progress with the visual novel, but LightFykki is currently trying to help me out! So thanks a bunch, LightFykki! ^^ I'm going to continue playing my Clannad Visual Novel, and one day I'm going to eventually play all the routes... Yeah, that'd be nice...

I've finished watching all the new series of this fall. T.T It's kind of sad, but I'm excited for when the winter season shows come out! That'll be exciting! And my birthday is next month as well, so I'm excited for that too! Hopefully the Phantom of the Opera show will be as good as I remembered it! But I won't get my Christmas present until next July because...

I'm going to AnimeExpo!! I don't know if I told you guys that or not, but I am seriously excited! Is anyone else going to be there? I'm not sure who I'm going to cosplay as yet, but I'm really excited to go! It'll only be my second con, too!

Wow, that was kinda long! I'll talk to you guys later, and have a good weekend! (I won't, cause I'm sick >_<)

Mata ne!

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LOL. I just love SM pictures. xDD