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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Nerd Taggeh ^^

Stolen from Littlepooch. ^^ ANIME/MANGA NERD [x] You watch anime. [x] You read manga [x] You buy/collect anime DVDs or manga volumes. [x] You own some other form of anime/manga merchandise. [x] You have referre...

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Wanted: Visual Novel Download Help ^^


Okay, just kidding. xDD *shot*

Anyways, as you probably gathered from the title, I need help downloading a visual novel... Well, not DOWNLOADING the visual novel, because I already did that, but I need help getting the freakin' translating program (AGTH) to work. -_-' I have ATLAS installed too, but I don't know how to use the crack codes to make it so that I can use it forever. So, for the time being, it's just a thirty day trial...

If anyone uses the program AGTH or ATLAS for visual novels, please PM me or comment below so you can help me solve my problems! I'm gonna shoot something if I don't play this visual novel, because it took me ten years to get the darn thing onto this computer, and I'm gonna play it whether it wants me to or not!

*takes a few deep breaths* Okay, blowing off some steam there... ^^ The visual novel I am attempting to play is called Starry Sky, and the anime adaption will be coming out sometime in December. My friend told me about this and she can't wait to see it ('cause of the hot guys, apparently X3), and so we tried to download the visual novel. But Ms. Impatient over there (*shoots BrotherlyLoveHK an accusing glare*) wouldn't let me DO anything cause she didn't want to READ the freakin' directions, so I figured out how to do it AFTER she left my house. -_-'

So yeah, if you use AGTH or ATLAS, please let me know! I'm sure you can help in some way! :))

Arigato gozaimasu!
*points up* Oh yeah, like meh new signature? :3

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My dude, the Capricorn, is the red haired dude who's looking all angry at the purple-haired dude. LOL.

Braces Begone! Revenge of the Retainer ^^

Haha that sounded like it'd be an episode title to Bleach or something. xDD LOL.

So, as you probably already, my braces are at long last OFF! Yes, off, I say! Gone with the wind! And I do not miss them at all! My appointment was at 10:45 yesterday, and I didn't leave until about 11:45, so it was an hour give or take. First, they stuck on the permanent retainers that go on the back of my front teeth (top and bottom), but I didn't know what the heck they were doing so I thought they were going to kill me or something... Just kidding, I didn't think that, but it was scary. X3

So then, they used this drill thingy to remove the glue off the braces, and all the brackets came off. Except I didn't know this, so when the lady told me to rinse my mouth, I had a heart attack because the braces weren't there. You'd think they'd give me a heads up, but NO! Whatever, I see how it's going to be...

So I left all happy and all cause my braces are off, huzzah! I went home, ate popcorn, watched a ton of anime, and at 4:15 we had to go back to get my retainers. Thankfully, they're clear, so you can barely tell that I am wearing them. But when I put them on it hurt SO badly! My whole gums started bleeding, and I am not even kidding here. @.@ It was painful.

But now, it doesn't hurt anymore, and I can eat all the freakin' popcorn that I wanna eat! Huzzah!


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Hehe :))

Copycats: Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Rant ^^

LOL, Lady Gaga reference right there, ladies and gents. xDD

Anyways, I have something to say about copying, because it happens a lot, and maybe not to you but to those around you. First of all, I'd like to sue whoever came up with the saying "Copying is the highest form of flattery" because it sure as heck doesn't feel like it! Especially if you took your time and effort into creating something or thinking up an idea, and someone else just takes it from you.

Now, obviously I've copied from someone in the past as well, but I try REALLY hard to add my own touches to it so that it's my own as well as that other person's. And of course, I'd ask before taking their idea! I mean, copying without crediting or even asking permission is just wrong. How would you feel if you spent hours thinking of something, and someone snatches it without even letting you know?

There may be exceptions to this, however, like if you really love the way a person does something and you would like to know how to mimic their style in order to improve your own. But plagiarism is just taking it too far. I've never had my own work taken and put on another website (everything I do sucks -_-'), but even little things bother me, like emoticons, word usage, and really stupid stuff like that.

Basically, don't copy someone if you wouldn't like to be copied in that same way.

That will be all.


PS - Thanks to you guys for checking out this world! :DD I now have 3000 views!

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Last Pic! ^^

Last picture! I think... I might upload my costume that I wore on Halloween, but no promises!

The canoe we went canoe-surfing on! My dad is the one on the very left, and I'm right behind him. Yes, I'm short, don't hate!