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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

More Pics! ^^

So I can't embed more than one image into a post... So sorry for spamming your update boxes. ^^

That dude in the corner was the one who gave us more waves for the same price cause we are originally from Hawaii. xDD

Hawaii Pics! ^^

So, as promised, I'm going to upload some pictures from my trip to Hawaii! Well, unfortunately I only have three for you guys since all the other ones I took came out horribly, but I hope you enjoy them! :DD


Hawaii~! ^^

Hey everybody! I just got back from my trip to Hawaii, unfortunately! So below I'm just going to elaborate about my trip, and later I'll post some pictures that I took of Hawaii and such! And after that I'll be replying to all the messages I got! ^^ So enjoy!

Plane Trip
- So the plane trip there was alright, but it was very claustrophobic. >_< We got to the airport at 11, and the plane took off at 2:45. =_= It was horrible. And our seats were in the middle so I didn't even get to look out the window! And the plane trip seemed to last forever, but it was better than the trip back, which I seriously wanted to barf on. Plane rides, woo...

First Day - Kay, so on the first day we went to Waikiki, which is home of the tourists. xDD We went paddle boarding, and the water was SO nice and warm! I seriously never want to go back to Huntington, because it sucks compared to Hawaii!

Second Day - On the second day we went back to Waikiki and this time we went canoe surfing. It was awesome! And because we were originally from Hawaii, the dude gave us five waves instead of three which we would've gotten. X3 Hehe good times, good times. Then we went paddle boarding again, so it was pretty fun! I also got gifts for all my friends at a kiosk across from the beach.

Third Day - Saturday we went and watched my cousin's soccer games basically all day! One of my cousin's teams won their championship (5 - 0!), and the other one I barely watched because at that point I just wanted to go home... But after that we took my cousin to the airport and we went to Pearl Ridge, where I bought a Hello Kitty watch, and we went to Borders where I bought my first manga ever! It's called Strawberry Panic, and it's pretty good so far!

Fourth Day - On Sunday we went back to Waikiki, swam and all that stuff, then we went home. We went to a Halloween party which wasn't even a Halloween party, and I had to go trick-or-treating with a bunch of 11 year-olds. I would have rather made a haunted house like we normally do, but it was still fun. And no one recognized me. T.T

Fifth Day - On Monday we tried going to a lagoon, but it was raining over there so it was back to Waikiki! We went snorkeling and I saw the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a three times! That's Hawaii's state fish, just so you know... And there were a bunch of other pretty fish too! And no jellyfish, thank gosh, even though there were warnings. And we saw shark fins out in the ocean, but my dad said it was probably a sting ray... And we went to Shiro Kiya and I bought a pillow pet! :DD

So, now I'm home and trying to not to barf cause I have a major headache... But thanks for reading, if you did, and let me know how your weekend was!


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Waikiki, Honululu from the air! So pretty~!

Anime Meme ^^

Top 5 Anime 
1. Bleach 2. Sailor Moon 
3. Code Geass 4. Toradora 5. Clannad Top 5 Manga
Strawberry Panic! 2. Bleach 
 Ouran High School Host Club 4. 
Kaichou wa M...

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I'm 72% Cute ^^

Appearance: [] = You have blue/green eyes [] = You blush a lot [x] = You giggle [x] = You're quiet [x] = You say random silly things [] = You have a baby face [] = You wear a more down to earth style of cl...

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