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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

There's a Place in Town ^^

There's a place in town where the Otakus come around, it's a hole in the wall, it's an anime free for all. xDD

Well, basically in this post I'm going to give you guys a few links to some of the sites, RP worlds, and worlds of my own that I think you guys should check out! Click whatever you want, don't click whatever you don't want. It's all good. ^^ Enjoy~

The Black Rebellion
- lapaperninja's Code Geass inspired RP world. We've just started posting, so now's the time to sign up! Please join!

Reviews and Recommends - littlepooch's anime and manga review world, as well as reviews for RPs, worlds, members, and even songs! Very interesting, so go on and check it out!

Bleach Realm - I know a few Bleach fans who have never heard of the Bleach RP, and it's really fun! Hopefully some new members will bring the RP back to life!

Interpretation of the World - BrotherlyLoveHK's blog. ^^ Very interesting stuff on here, peoplez!

My Little World of Bleach - LightFykki's world of Bleach! Got some pretty hilarious/informative stuff on here, so I suggest checking it out!

That's all I have for you today! It'd be nice if you clicked on the links and such, but honestly, there's no harm done if you don't. It'd be nice though. X3

Catch ya Later,

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Musical Mayhem ^^

*Lelouch laugh* Today I shall wreak my havoc on you all with my music! :DD So basically, I'm going to put all my favorite songs on here in the hopes that you guys actually care enough to listen to them. And if that fails, link in the comments YOUR fave song. I promise I'll listen to all of them! :3

Isn't that just the best freaking song you've ever heard? I swear, I could run a mile to that song. xDD

Such a pretty song! ^^ I really like the picture as well!

I love this song! What it's about is pretty weird, but the song itself is epic! :))

This is a reeeeally pretty song! I love listening to it right before I go to bed! It's just awesome!

Epic rock song from the anime Buso Renkin! Just the intro to the song is awesome in itself!

Throwing this in just for the heck of it. I LOOOVE dango! Kawaii!

That's all I have for you guys today! Let me know what you liked or didn't like, and if you didn't listen to any of them just comment below and lie. xDD It'll make me feel better, trust me! ^^

Comment Away, Me Tomodachi!

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LOL, I don't watch Death Note but this was still hilarious to me...


Guess who got promoted? Guess who got promoted? *happy dances*

So haleluia, I have FINALLY gotten promoted to Otakuite++! *squeals* AAAGH I am sooo happy! I can't believe the day has finally come! All that commenting, post-making, and such has all paid off!

I'd like to thank my friends on here for staying by my side throughout this wonderful process... Kidding, kidding. xDD

But anyways, to those who got promoted as well, congratulations! I know I'm happy with my promotion! I still have a long way to go to Senior Otaku and Otaku Legend, but I'll get there... Eventually. :3

Thanks for reading!


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Don't You Hate it When... ^^

Don't you hate it when...

You hit your elbow on the back of your chair and your arm goes numb for 10 minutes?

You have 10 voice messages on your phone--all about politics--and you aren't even old enough to vote?

You're stuck in traffic when you have something important to do, and you have green lights when you have a ton of time to get somewhere?

Your friend makes fun of you for something she does every day?

You wake up extra early in the morning only to realize you don't have to be at school?

You watch an anime and think it sucks, only to find out that you were watching the second season?

You can never beat one level of a video game, and when you give it to your friend she beats it in two seconds?

Your friend goes over to your house and tells your other friend that she did so (even though you told her not to)?

You think you send a text message when you really didn't?

You get prank called, and know exactly who it is?

I hate it. xDD

Bye Bye,

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Ulquiorra~ <33

Second Self-Introduction ^^

So I know one always introduces themselves when they first get on theO, but I feel like I left out a lot in the mini-paragraph I posted at the beginning of May? Or the end of March... Same thing... -_-' So here we go with my second self-introduction!

Hello, my name is Brooke, AKA Hulaberry32. ^^ I absolutely love anime (even though I just started watching at the beginning of this year)! So far I have watched over 20 animes--which is not really a lot--but I've been enjoying all of it! Bleach is my favorite anime of all time, followed by Code Geass and Sailor Moon (which I used to watch in kindergarten :DD) I'm afraid I've become a full time Otaku!

I'm deathly afraid of bugs. >_< Crickets give me heart attacks, and if I see another cockroach in my house I'm going to go into cardiac arrest. Literally.

I developed my username in 4th grade when I tried to make a Club Penguin account. I'm from Hawaii, which is where the "hula" comes from, and the penguin I was making was blue. "Berries" are blue, are they not? And my lucky number is 32. Hulaberry32 just stuck. :))

My bestest friend in RL is BrotherlyLoveHK. I'm proud to say I am the one who got her into anime, with Ouran High School Host Club. My other besties online include Kc Inoue (who I haven't talked to forever! Dx), Xxpicklejuice01xX, and a bunch others! (those are just who I talk to the most) I'm so happy everyone here on theO is so kind! It makes being on here a lot so much easier! ^^

I'm currently in the process of learning Japanese. I know quite a few words already. I also know how to write quite a few symbols of Hiragana, none of Katakana, and don't even get me started on Kanji. If anyone would like to become my Japanese learning buddy, PM me. :3

I currently live in a desert where the temperatures are still in the 90's on a daily basis. Even though it's fall, I can't go outside without sweating from walking for two seconds. At the moment I am training to run a mile in under 9 minutes, so this heat is very unwanted.

And that sums me up, in a nutshell. Thanks to any of you who actually read this, but if you didn't, it's all good. (although the people not reading this wouldn't know I said that, would they?) Comment your second self-introduction below (no matter how long it is)! I'd love to learn more about you all. :D


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Must move to Japan!