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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Taggy :D

I was tagged! I feel so loved! xDD Rule #1: If you open this you take it. Rule #2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks. Rule #3: Tag 17 people Answer Yes or No....

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Is Anyone Reading This? ^^

Cause I honestly don't think anyone gives crap about my world... xDD It's all good, it's all good! I don't mind posting without getting any comments! Kinda defeats the purpose of posting, but oh well... Here are some updates!

RP Worlds - Unfortunately, I have not been able to keep up with all the RP worlds I'm in. T.T This is what I get for joining twenty over the summer! It seems like everyone is just as busy as I am, and every RP world I'm in is either dying or dead... Hmm...

AnimeCentral - I've found that I really like reviewing animes! Even though they probably all suck! Seriously, if you guys could take the time to go to the AnimeCentral profile, I'd love you forever! No joke!

School - Hate it... I mean, when all your teachers suck and one of your best friend's is a jerkface, how am I supposed to love it?! Whatever, I'm gonna stay strong! BULLYING IS WRONG!

Anime - Of course I'll never give up my anime! Even when things get busy, that's probably the only thing that keeps me sane! Not my jerkface best friend that called me a picture whore! NOOOOO! >_<

My Well-Being In General - Unstable! xDD I really like keeping in touch with you all, and I hate being subscribed to people I hardly know! So if you guys randomly get a message from me, I really want to talk to you! ^^ Hope you don't think I'm too creepy!

That's all I have to say for today!

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LOL. That one never gets old! xDD

Safe from Sickos Dx

God, this is just too sick. To think there are actually people this perverted out there on theO is just disgusting! This is the ANIME and MANGA community, not the RAPIST and PERVERT community! The fact that these vulgar sickos are on this site just infuriates me! Leave my anime alone, damn it!

*breathes in and out* Okay, enough ranting... Please just click the link below, if you haven't already. And repost this, too. ^^



Hi hi! *waves* Just thought I'd stop by and do a little post-y thing! I'm gonna make this as short as possible so you guys actually read this whole thing! Thanks a bunch! ^^

First up, please go and check out my AnimeCentral world! There are lots of cool things to check out, and I'd really like to get a lot of subscribers for that account! Parodies, reviews, fanfics, and more will be posted up there, so check it out!

Next, I'd like to advertise for mTANGproductions, who does anime reviews and the like! If you need a new anime to watch or anything, this is the place do go! Please take a look and subscribe if you wish!

Also, I've put up a new world here on theO for all my stories! I'm currently writing a Bleach story, and next I shall be doing a Code Geass or Sailor Moon fanfic! The world is called Once Upon a Time... and I'd really appreciate it if ya'll stopped by and gave me your opinion on my writing so far!

Lastly, my friend has made a wesbite that she wanted me to promote! She'll put Bleach things up, and all that good stuff, so click here and take a quick peek at what she had to offer! Beware, she's not very conservative about her language...

That's all I have for you guys today, thanks a bunch for stopping by to look at this! Let me know how you all are doing, or if you guys have anything you want me to check out! Suggestions, comments, and concerns are much appreciated!

*bows* Ja, mata ne~!

That reminds me, I still have to watch the two latest episodes of Bleach!

I am 15% Emo, 4% Sl-t, 15% Jock, 18% Girly, 30% Nerd, and 6% Thug xD

Taggeh I brought over from good ol Quizilla. ^^ EMO [] you own at least 5 black shirts [x] you like skinny jeans [] you're listening to music right now [x]you have painted your fingernails black before [] You h...

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