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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

RP World?

Hey guys! So I set up a new RP world, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining? You can find the link HERE! Check it out and let me know what you think~ If no one wants to join I'll think up something else. XD Nothing's set in stone right now, so if you'd like to make a suggestion, you're more than welcome to!


Spring Cleaning Otaku Style!

I know it's not even spring yet, but I've been doing a bit of Otaku style spring cleaning as of late. XD I've redone this world, and deleted a few of the other ones I had and never used; Less Than Three, Randomosity, Maid Latte, Wizarding World, and Delighted Hearts. I have two worlds left, but I'm thinking about making another one; not sure what it'll be about, but it's gonna be awesome! I might make an RP world, but I don't know for sure. We'll see. ^^ Any ideas?

Also went through my subscriptions and unsubscribed to people who are inactive. If you're reading this post now, I'm probably still subbed to you, lol. Also, sorry for the spazzy icon changes, there are so many beautiful icons I've been finding I can't choose just one. XD At the moment, my icon is of Jung Yong Hwa. Gah, I adore him. <3 That's all I have to say, though! See ya~

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So, I redid my world again. XD;; My obsessions change faster than the seasons~ While the last one was Slytherin-themed, this theme is based off of the k-drama You're Beautiful, which is the best show I've ever watched in my life (literally!) I laughed, I cried, I fangirled and raged. And as a result, became obsessed with k-dramas. ^^;

In any case, I hope you guys like the new look! It's a lot brighter than it was before, but I really like it. So I hope you all do, as well! Let me know what you think, ne?

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Voice Meme? I haz none.

SO. Unfortunately, upon listening to the voice meme I recorded a while ago, I felt so irritated by my voice that I've decided to record all of the questions again. XD Yeah, sorry 'bout that, guise. But you would thank me if you had heard the voice meme I had almost posted here. It was TERRIBLE. Hopefully I can get the voice meme out later this week? I have exams all week and half days, so I have quite a bit of time~ I SORRY.

A Few Things!

Hey guys! Just a few things I want ya'll to know and whatnot. I've bolded the more important stuff, so you can easily skim. XD

1. I have finished my voice meme. I even uploaded the first half of the video to youtube, but I can't figure out how to delete the first half of the thing on moviemaker so I can post the second half, so if any of you know how to do that, I would love you forever if you would share your wisdom~ Thank you!

2. I've deleted a few of my worlds [Randomosity, Maid Latte], so if you're looking for anything on either of those, I'm sorry to say they are now gone~ I never really used them, and they were taking up too much space. XD I may make another world (though for what, I'm not sure), but I'll let you all know if I do.

3. Alright, so. For the next 48 days, I am going to be changing my icon everyday. And they're going to all be pics of the lovely ladies of T-ara! The icon set is from here. So be prepared for my different icons/comment colors/signature lines. Go T-ara! <3

Aaand, I believe that's all I got for you guys. Take care~