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welcome to the life and times of hb32.


I FINISHED. Learning the Luka Luka Night Fever Dance, that is! 4 grueling minutes of intense dance movements, learned in about... 4 weeks or so? I started sometime at the beginning of October or the end of September. XD But I'm now FINISHED, so I'll probably make a dance cover and post it for ya'll to see (granted it doesn't suck too badly!). Look forward to it! <3

That's intense, man.

She's Alive!

... Well, sorta. XD If you were wondering if I fell off the face of the earth, fortunately, you guys were wrong! I fell off the Otaku earth and onto the planet of Harry Potter, but now I'm raging at that site (Hogwarts Online, damn you for ruining every image I had of a Sly!) I HAVE RETURNED.


But this post was just to say that I've been promoted! Lil ol me! Can ya'll believe that? Haha, I'm getting old, that's for sure. XD And if you guys were expected some long-drawn out post (*doubts that*), sorry, but nothing really exciting has happened to me lately. :'D

So, yeah!

Bye, Loves!

Sick and Tired.

Not literally. But seriously, I'm just sick and tired of this. I'm not gonna even talk about what's gotten my knickers all in a bunch, cause I'll probably go off and never stop writing about how freaking pissed off I am right now. Honestly, I really do appreciate every single one of your concerns. You guys make me feel much better, even if I can't see or talk to you all in real life. I love you all. <3

Doesn't change the fact that I am [censored] pissed off. But still.

And if I see ONE even ONE MORE post about depression, or even hear a person talking about it? I will flip the hell out. I swear. I've already read one post like this, and it took all I had not to rant in the comments. I'm trying to be nice, but it's hard in this rage that I have going on.

Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. If you'd really like to help me, just PLEASE be happy. For me. <3


Being the selfish person that I am, I don't think I can continue on here helping everyone else with their problems and reassuring them and thinking about positive things. I really can't do that anymore, and I'm sorry. There's just too many things going on. I will read your updates. Don't hate me if I'm not around much anymore, though.

And my parents yelling at the top of their lungs at each other over the phone is totally killing my concentration on my dirty Draco x Harry fanfics.

I hope our new house has wifi, too.

I also hope it's more quiet there.

And peaceful.

I love you guys.


Tumblr ^^

I apologize for the epic spam I spammed you all with today. XD;; But I made a tumblr! I'll follow anyone who has a tumblr on here. :3
