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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

60 Facts~ ^^

Got this meme from Asu-chi(: If you have a question about the facts, ask me 'bout them, below!

1- Brooke's username comes from her previous favorite color (blue), and her ethnicity (Hawaiian)
2- Brooke has gotten straight A's since birth, and is deathly afraid of getting anything less
3- Brooke has self confidence problems
4- Brooke relies heavily on tutorials when in need
5- Brooke deeply fears the health and safety of those around her
6- Brooke acts much differently around different people
7- Brooke has many nicknames, including "Cookie"
8- Brooke has always wanted a more exotic name
9- Brooke finds it easier to befriend boys than it is to befriend females
10- Brooke has always dreamed to be a singer, but would be happy with being an author or news reporter
11- Brooke wishes to be one of the best card-makers on theO, although her changes are slim
12- Brooke cries easily--very easily
13- If Brooke knows a song, she can't not sing along to it
14- Brooke prefers the winter to summer
15- Brooke has no idea how to work Mini Tokyo or Anime Paper
16- Brooke started getting into graphic design when she was 13
17- Brooke hates it when she's wrong
18- Brooke is much nicer online than she is in real life
19- Brooke lies if it's to protect someone she cares deeply for
20- Brooke sucks badly at acting, and can't tell a lie for her life
21- Brooke hates to be told what to do
22- Brooke loves plushies of all sorts, and sleeps with them, too
23- Brooke's idol is Lady Gaga, even though most people she knows are not fans
24- Brooke's lucky number is 32, after winning a contest with teh number
25- Brooke loves the color pink
26- Brooke is terrible with word pronunciations
27- Brooke knows a lot about perverted Japanese terms
28- Brooke eats fast food almost every day
29- Brooke eats a lot of junk food, but is still "thin"
30- Brooke doesn't have any allergies
31- Brooke can't wait up any earlier than 10 AM on the weekends
32- Brooke hates trolls, especially those on Youtube
33- Brooke doesn't believe in true love
34- Brooke has banned herself from ever dating anyone ever again
35- Brooke is extremely stubborn, and has argued for a week about something with a friend
36- Brooke is very trustworthy, and will never tell a secret
37- Brooke has made many other accounts on this site, mainly for RPs
38- Brooke loves dogs will all her heart--much more than cats
39- Brooke has no talent in the kitchen
40- Brooke spends most of her online time on theO--or playing Touhou games
41- Brooke can't make graphics unless she's inspired or motivated
42- Brooke is extremely lazy and hates working hard doing something she hates
43- Brooke is obsessed with bokeh when it comes to cards
44- Brooke reads more than 12 hours a day if possible
45- Brooke loves to please her online friends, especially those she looks up to
46- Brooke rarely listens to music, except late at night
47- Brooke's favorite sports are football and dance
48- Brooke is in a band, called im[PERFECT]ions
49- Brooke is uncomfortable giving others her real age online
50- Brooke spends an unhealthy amount of time reading
51- Brooke has many "enemies" or people who hate her for no reason
52- Brooke is an only child
53- Brooke has had a mouse, a snake, and two turtles
54- Brooke really wants to learn how to vector, but fears she will fail epicly at it
55- Brooke loves to be in charge
56 - Brooke tried to learn how to play guitar once, but gave up once the guitar broke
57 - Brooke has cried while reading a book before
58 - Most of the guys Brooke truly like, tend to like her back
59 - Brooke wishes she was as talented as her peers
60- Brooke feels weird when referring to herself in the third person

DONE. XD I have no idea if that's how I was supposed to do it, but I had fun coming up with all of those! And they are all true. <3 If ya want to do this, go for it!


Anime Expo!! ^^

I just got back from Anime Expo! And it was...




So, there was SOOOO much to do there! There were 47000+ unique visitors, and so many amazing cosplays! I myself cosplayed as Sailor Moon and then Taiga Aisaka! Quite a few people took pictures of me, too, I was like WTF. My cosplay sucks. XD

Hm... I went to quite a few concerts, like Nirgilis and Mikunopolis (KYAAAAAA--), saw the Masquerade, watched AX Idol, and many many more things that would take me ten thousand years to explain... I can give you a play-by-play if you want, but that would take forever. XD If you want specifics, just ask, though. :P I'll be posting the MANY pictures I got later! Watch out for them! <3

Oh yes! I almost forgot to tell you about everything that I bought! I will also be uploading pictures later! I bought... Two mini hats, one heart necklace with a clock inside, cat ears, a Ciel doll (KYAAAAA--), an Ishida-kun poster (KYAAAAAAA--), a Mikunopolis fan, a panda doll, a Sailor Moon manga (that is now out of print), and another manga! Needless to say I am now broke. xD


AX DAY 0 ^^

So, today was Anime Expo day 0! After being in the car for almost 6 hours, my dad and I headed out to the Los Angeles convention center, where we waited for a good hour for our badges. There were SO many people there! More than a thousand, easily. And that's just pre-register!

Then, we waited for a good two hours for our Miku Hatsune concert and Masquerade tickets! It was freezing outside. >.< We were also right next to the Staples Center, and my dad was freaking out because that's where the Lakers play... or something. Miami owns, either way. XD



Otaku Friends Forever ^^

Hey guys! So, I'm just sitting around the computer thinking of something remotely useful I can do... And, then BAM. I get 200 subscribers! I cannot tell you how happy I am for this(: So, in honor of 200 subs, I am going to list and write about all...

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Writer's Block Begone? ^^

Hi guys! ^^ Just thought I would update... I dunno, I'm bored. :P Aha, well, I won't be bored at this time tomorrow because--yep, you guessed it!--summer school starts tomorrow! Oh, joy! Ahah, I know I'm going to be a total loner... I'm hoping I at least know one person, but meh. PE doesn't require you to talk to anyone. Perhaps this is my chance to *shudder* socialize! I'm gonna die.

On that positive note, I'm going to attempt to start writing everyday again. :D I really want to get back into all that, and because my creativity with cards has been halted, I shall do it through writing instead... Added somethin' new to my :Unwritten::Undefined: world! Man, has it been a while since I wrote in that world, or what? @.@

Uhh, last week Tuesday I went to a friend's birthday party. We went to this place called Crystal Palace (a roller skating place). Being the Asian ninjas that they are, most of my friends were skating in circles around me. T.T The day I learn to skate backwards is the day I triumph over all! XD Ahah, yes, good luck to me, eh?


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