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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Last Day of School! ^^

So, my last day of school was yesterday! (finally xD) I had such an amazing time after school with my friends! We went to a nearby hotel, and because my mom bought a hotel room for my female friends to sleep over, we got to go swimming. ^^ We played Dance Dance Revolution in the arcade for a while I own XD, went bowling again, I owned! (94:D), went swimming all the guys got leg cramps! LOL!, and wrestled in the hotel room. So yeah, overall, I had a really fun time!

For those of you who are already out of school, how is summer faring for you? Summer school starts for me in ten days! I am so unprepared. T.T On the bright side, I have the entire summer to try and figure out how to work photoshop! Tutorials, here I come!

I apologize for my recent lackage of commenting... I will definitely be sure to get back on that, now that I have a lot more time to spare! I hope all of you have a great summer! Enjoy yourselves(:


My Accomplishments :'D

So, today we had an end of the year awards ceremony (school ends on the 9th for me). I was fortunate enough to get a total of 6 awards, for straight A's, student of the year for geography, blah blah blah. So yeah, EXTREMELY happy about that. ^^ The only thing that sucks is that I did not receive the American Legion award. But I can still hold the fact that I was nominated against my friends for the rest of my life. Teehee. >D

I'm going to be going to summer school so that next year I can have an extra elective (I shall be taking Japanese and choir). So, I have SIX WEEKS of FOUR HOURS AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES of physical education, FIVE DAYS A WEEK. I'm either going to be extremely skinny and buff by the end of the summer, or extremely tired. xD Wish me luck, my friends. :'D

Hmm... School ends next week. so it's time to study for finals! Woo... Well, I already got my straight A award and I get a new phone(;, so it probably doesn't matter what I get on these exams, hehe. xD I'm just ready for school to be over, even though I'm going to miss my friends. :'D But I decided that my friends who aren't ditching me to go some place totally awesome, and I are going to do a bunch of totally awesome things to make everyone else jealous. LOL.



Pirates of the Caribbean! ^^

Hey ya'll! How are you guys doing on this fine Saturday night? ^^ Yesterday, I went to this outdoor shopping center kinda thing with my friends, and we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4! And if you asked me how the movie was...

I honestly don't remember. XD All I know is that I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out of the theater. My friend and this guy were wrestling because the guy took my shoe and she took his phone, so we were taking phone numbers out of his contact list and saving them to our phone. Then, my friend started rubbing these cuts on her arms on me, and it was disgusting so I was practically shouting for help and almost fell over the row of chairs in front of us... Then I was teasing my friend and her prince boyfriend, and forced them to touch each other more. >D We had a good time. (':

Then we went outside and walked around, got lost a few times, took some pictures in the Apple store. You know, regular random teenage stuff. xD Tomorrow I'm going to go see some other movie with my friends, and then one of my friends will be sleeping over. ^^ Well, that describes my epic 3 day weekend!

What are you all doing for this Memorial Day weekend? :3


Dance Dance! ^^

Hey guys(: How're you all doing? Yesterday, I went to my school's semi-formal dance for like, the end of the year, kinda. It was SO much fun! Admittedly, this was the first school dance I have ever danced at. XD We had a 10 person group and we were all fist-pumpin and teasing each other about our dates and craaaaaaap. Good times, good times. (:

During the dance we went to go have our pictures taken, and we were like "We have ten people in our group", but apparently they only allow six people to be photographed at a time. So I was like "Half of them are Asian, they're short!" And the guy looked at me weird. It was hilarious. x33

After the dance, my best friend, Chey, and I went bowling with five of our other guy frienda. We had such a blast, and half the time we were changing each other's names on the player screen. Epic fail. Everyone else was giving us weird stares because we were wearing dresses and suits. :D Jealous! My friend slept over and just left like, two hours ago, lol.

Overall, it was definitely a night I will remember forever(:


I'm in the white dress (me and my perdy hair XD), Chey is the super tall one, and my friend Alyana is in the middle ^^


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. PEOPLE. OF. THE OTAKU. *turns off caps lock*

Anyways! Anime Expo just announced their fourth guest of honor... MIKU HATSUNE. That's right, the FIRST EVER live virtual concert in America, AND I GET TO SEE IT. *spazzes and dies* Even if I'm not the biggest fan of Miku, this is just so freaking surreal! I can't believe I'm going to see a LIVE VOCALOID CONCERT! As you guys can see, I'm flippin out here. XD

On that note, I guess things have improved from my little depressed angry rant I made a while ago... Ahaha, I'm just not on here much because I've gotten a lil lazy, and very unmotivated to come onto this site. For some reason, now that I can't make any more cards, all interest for this site in me has died. LUCKILY, I have you awesome people to talk to on here(:

Peace out!
