TheO ^^

Ello! First of all, does anybody find this freaking Romeo x Juliet background as annoying as I do? Cause's it bugging the crap outta me! AAAAAGH! Why can't it go back to the way it was before?! Stupid ads... ^^

Something about me... Hmm... Well, basically, all day I just go on the computer and read. Sound fun? Yeah, totally. *sarcasm* I would hang out with my friends, but one has been MIA, one's out of state, one's a traitor, one I'm not talking to, one's too busy with basketball, one's in India, and one I feel too awkward around. Ugh, how come I'm stuck with the crappy summer break? -_-"

Good news, I get to go to the beach at the end of the month! My dad says he's going to teach me how to surf... Great... I'm kind of scared. Last he attempted that, I ended up being a human in the world's largest washing machine.

The song of the day today is Pure Pure Heart from K-On! I really like this song! I like all of their songs, actually... This show makes me want to learn how to play my electric guitar, so my friend said she was going to teach me how to play it! Yay!

I'm still working on learning Japanese... ^^; I got through Hiragana and Katakana, but I'm scared out of my wits to start Kanji... *shudders* Hiragana is the easiest, for me. Too bad most signs in Japanese are in Katakana... Ugh!

Hmm, how have you all been? Usually I think through these posts about what I'm going to say and such, but I was forgot about it... ^^; So, sorry for the boring post today! It was mostly about my life and such. Boring? Yes, I know!


^^ This is one of my favorite funny Bleach vids. Byakuya tells a joke!
