Song Mania ^^

Hihi! HB32 here! Sorry for posting so late, a bunch of things popped out of nowhere and made me fall! xD Anywho, I don't really have much to say today. Which is weird, because I always have things to say! Hmm, let me think... Let today be a song day! Yay for music!

The first Featured Song of the Day is Dancing in the Velvet Moon by Nana Mizuki! It's from the anime Rosario + Vampire. I really love this song because it's so upbeat and catchy! Just makes me wanna dance! *dances*

Moving on, we have Super Driver from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! At first, I wasn't really a fan of this song, but after listening to it, I realized it was a really good song! It has a great dancing beat, and I wish I knew the words so I can sing along. xD I also love the English version, which it weird, because I'm usually anti-America... (even though I live here, LOL)

Next up... Let's see... Moonlight Densetsu from Sailor Moon! xD Sorry, I had to. I just completely love this song! It's stuck in my head 24/7 and I swear, I have the whole thing memorized... Sailor Moon is my second favorite anime ever (after Bleach), so it only makes sense I love this song!

The last song I have, is Sakura Kiss from Ouran High School Host Club. This is the first Japanese song I ever put on my ipod, so I gotta love it. ^^ And it really got me hooked on J-pop. Yay for OHSHC! xD

That's all the music I got for you today, so I'll try and think up somethin for tomorrow! Thanks for reading! *bows*


Gomen, I had to!! *laughs hysterically*
