Poison ^^

Mmmm... I'm running out of things to open the post with... So... *waves* There we go! Now we can start! First, I'd like to thank anyone who's reading this! Hana-chan and Cat-chan are the bestest! xD Comment if you'd like a shout out or want me to advertise some of your work, because I'd be more than happy to! Just think of me as the Advertiser of theO! I was thinking of doing something special, but the ideas are within my reach, I just can't grasp them... *sighs* Well, maybe it'll come to me today! (Hopefully)

I just finished the awesomest book today, Poison by Chris Wooding! It was really great! The author had you guessing up until the very end, when everything was shockingly revealed! xD I sound like a saleswoman don't I...? Well, at first I thought this wasn't going to be a good book. (I judge books by their covers ^^;) But after reading it, I'm glad I checked it out!

Right now I am super excited! Because my friend said she would teach me to play my guitar, and I'm going to learn every anime song I know and love! I can't wait til she gets back from a secret place! ^^ And I'm going to force my other friend to buy a drum set, and we're all set! ^^ I so want a pink guitar... *is excited*

Well, today is Ichigo-san's birthday, apparently. So don't forget to wish him a happy birthday! It might boost his ego too much though... ^^ We appreciate you anyways, Ichigo! (except for stabbing Ishida-kun and killing Ulquiorra-san, I will never forgive you for that =.=) But I'm willing to forget that... Today.

Hmm, my friend is writing a book based on Bleach. It's called Brilliance. It's really really good so far, and I wish I could post some on here, but she won't let me. *pouts* She also said I couldn't get Ishida-kun's autograph in the book! What a meanie... And she won't tell me if they espada and vizard are in it! *sighs* I guess I'll find out sooner or later... It's weird reading about myself though! Haha, cool and creepy, at the same time... ^^


*nosebleeds* Ichigo makes quite the smexy tuxedo mask... Hmmm...
