Ish So Hot... ^^

*fans self* Gah, why is it so hot?! I feel like I'm going to melt for crying out loud! Try bike riding in 112 degree heat! Not fun! And don't ask why I'm biking when it's so hot outside... I got threatened...

Anywaays, I got meh friend something for Friendship Day! (which is August 11, but the way) I'm shooo excited! But I'm not gonna say it cause she might read this... ^^; Dunno what to get my other friend though. Hmm...

I watched the Sorcerer's Apprentice today! I didn't really want to see it, but it was better than I thought it would be. The main character just got on my nerves. He was really ugly, first of all, and his voice was so high pitched I cringed when he talked. *shakes head* And after my friend pointed out that Nicholas Cage never changed his facial expressions and was a horrible actor, I was stuck staring at his face the whole time, trying to see if his face really did have the same expression the whole movie. It did. -_-'

I am currently on Sailor Moon season Super S! I was so excited because I actually remember this season from when I watched the dubbed version as a little kid. I decided to rewatch the series because 1. I was running out of animes to watch that I actually liked ^^; and 2. I thought it was awesome as a kid. So I thought, what the heck? And now I'm on episode 132.

Uhm... The people on Quizilla are really getting on my nerves... But I still love them anyways... But they keep asking me for one shots, and I really don't want to write any... Do any of you have ideas on how a love story can take place in a warehouse? Yes, this girl wants her one shot to be in a warehouse. Why? I have no clue. But she does, and I can't think of anything! Please help! Thanks!

I am waiting for new songs... I have a feeling I know a song I haven't posted, it's just in my subconscious... So, yeah, I'm gonna go now! *waves*


LOL I want that game!
