Back Home ^^

Yuck. I'm back at home. T.T Though it feels nice to have good wifi again, it sucks because it's so hot! I miss the ocean breeze. =_= And the ocean in general... I'm melting I say! xD

On that happy note, this morning we rented bikes and went riding along the beach. California bikes are really weird. @.@ The handlebars are so far apart! It's crazy! I miss it though...

Maid Latte is in business now! I'm in so many RP worlds... Let's see. There's Void, Maid Latte, Forbidden Fruit, SM: The New Generation, Youkai Academy, Ouran High School Host Club, TIME Academy, and Lords and Ladies! That's quite a lot... But it's really fun!

Apparently I messed up on TIME Academy though... Clueless101 is mad at me now. T.T My OC was getting into fights and I didn't want her to continue causing trouble, so I ended her transformation early and apparently I wasn't supposed to do that. >_> *sighs*

I'll see you all later, then,

Misa-chan is against perverts! She can even break outta handcuffs! xD
