Super Driver ^^

Hello, all! ^^ I thought I'd actually make a post this time instead of torturing you all with another tag. *evil laugh* LOL. SO, my friend, BrotherlyLoveHK, finally returned from church camp the other day and we had the chance to hang out yesterday!

Her guitar is evil, I say! >_< Cause after I glomped her, it scratched me with it's strings of doom, and now it looks like I got attacked by a cat. =_= Buuut, we decided to perform Super Driver at the school's talent show for this year... I'm looking for tabs to play on the guitar, but none of them will load for me! I'm going to eat it... ^^;

I have proposed the Battle of the Bands idea to everyone on my Maid Latte world, but no everybody has responded yet. T.T Do people not read the things at the bottom of my posts?! That makes me feel quite unloved... *sighs*

Anyways, because I feel so loved on Quizilla and not on here, I wanted to know if you guys would read something I have created on there. ^^ Please understand that the first part was created last November, and my writing has greatly improved since then... (yes, the first parts suck T.T) Hehe. But if you read on, it gets better, trust me! Well, the people on Quizilla think so... Please click HERE! I mean, it has to be good considering 2,000 + people have taken the first one...


I finished Clannad season 1! xD Huzzah! It was really great! The ending wasn't as tear-jerking as other ones I have watched, but the plot overall was awesome. ^^ There are these bonus episodes at the end where the main guy ends up with different people, and I was so confused! @.@ But then I finally figured it out... LOL. Beware all watchers of Clannad!

We Shall Meet Again!

ROFL. I love Clannad. xD
