Friendship FTW ^^

Haha, weird title. xD It was all I could think of, so sue me... Not literally! ^^ Anyways, yesterday was "Friendship Day" (really just an excuse to get presents... JK! X3), and my friend got me the awesomest things ever!

She drew me this mega ultra hot Usui picture! And one for Igarashi as well! And then sewed this thing of the names of all the anime guys that I liked! How awesome it that?! ^^

We also practiced Super Driver (a lot x_x) and watched Toradora as well. Ah, how I love Taiga! She's just so epic! xD

And we discovered a very awesome thing as well. The vocaloids! Well, I knew about the Vocaloids since listening to Bad Apple, but I never listened to any of Rin and Len (Ren?)'s songs. And let me tell you, they are epic! If you've never listened to one of their songs, I suggest the following!

Adolescence - Pure EPICNESS. For some reason, I found myself crying in the end, yet I have no idea why. @.@ It just seemed like a sad song. *head desks*

Ieven Polkka - So catchy you wouldn't even believe it was a polka. xD

Treak And Treat - My friend thought this song was scary, but I think it's really catchy! ^^ I could listen to it over and over...

Revolution - Didn't like it as first, but the reggae-ish beat attracts me. X3 My dad absolutely loves reggae, so I guess it's in the blood... :D

Magnet - I first heard the Mike Hatsune version of the Vocaloids, but I didn't really like it. I really like Rin and Len's version though! I have no idea why, but their voices appeal to me more... >_<

Happy Friendship Day!

2:21. xD I LOVE that part!
