Best Romance Anime! ^^

And the winner of the Best Romance Anime award goes to...

Romeo X Juliet

This is a story of a young and tragic love, set in the aerial city of Neo Verona. Tyranny rules this island in the sky after the Montague family took control 14 years prior. The disparity among the wealthy and poor is apparent in the present state, the earth dries and water stagnates. The sky itself is wrapped in a deep dense fog. Both Romeo and Juliet's lineages are of present and past ruling families of Neo Verona. Romeo is the son of the current Montague dictator, Juliet (a beautiful woman) masquerades as a man (Odin), she's the last descendent of Capulet the previous rulers who were killed by an assasin's dagger 14 years ago. Her true background is not to be revealed to her until her 16th birthday. The cruel hands of fate introduces 2 people who will become "Star Crossed Lovers".

Congrats to Romeo X Juliet for taking the prize of Best Romance Anime!

The next award that will be presented is Best Action Anime! And the nominees are...


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Cowboy Bebop

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Full Metal Alchemist

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One Piece

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Submit your votes today for the Best Action Anime! :D
