Code Geass T.T

*Spoiler Alerts!*

Wow, that's the first time I ever put something other than '^^' next to the title. T.T The reason is because I just finished watching the whole entire anime of Code Geass (in about 3-4 days...) and now I am crying my eyes out... It's quite depressing when you get so attached to a character and they... And they...

Let's not go down that route again, shall we? Haha, Code Geass was definitely one of the best animes I've watched. ^^ The action was amazing, and there were so many twists throughout that I never expected. I can't believe what happened to Lelouch after all he went through... Things just went so fast after season 1 it was insane!

And at first, I liked Suzaku. Then I hated him with a passion. He became so annoying that he was one of those characters I just wanted to disappear. And then towards the end of season 2 I liked him again since he was on Lelouch's side, which I'm all for no matter who it is... And I originally liked the Black Knights, but when they turned on Lelouch for assuming he used them all, then I started to hate them. >_> What a troublesome anime...

And to top it all off Lelouch-kun dies in the end! I SERIOUSLY cannot believe that after all they go through something like that has to happen! It's unbelievable! I didn't really cry cause the anime was over like I usually do, I cried because of the reason stated above. T.T He was a good guy until the very end.

I rate this anime on a Bleach level. That's pretty amazing considering I have never watched an anime even close to being as good as Bleach. This one is only 50 episodes and yet I still love it just as much! It's just so amazing... I guess I really have been deprived of action animes for a while! :D

For anyone who has watched this anime, PM me... I'd LOVE to talk about it all with you! And plus, I need a Code Geass outlet... Haha seriously. ^^ If you haven't watched this anime, I suggest you do so now. You won't regret it!!!!

And about the Anime Awards, those will be continued. I just haven't been able to get to that lately. ^^ Gomen ne!

All Hail Lelouch! xD
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Epic-est anime I've seen in a while. ^^ Leloooouch~! *nosebleeds*
