Otaku Meme Taggy Thingy ^^

What a descriptive title. xD Stole this from greenLeAf863! ^^

1. Type your full username.

2. Do you have other accounts? If so, what is the name(s) of it/them
PalmtopTigerz! I do have one other, but that's classified information. :3

3. What do you submit on theO?
Wallpapers, along with the occasional card

4. Out of what you submit most, what is the most popular piece?
I don't really know...

5. Are you surprised?
I'm surprised when people I don't know tell me they like stuff I make. ^^

6. Who is your best friend on theO?
BrotherlyLoveHK! :D

7. Who is your enemy on theO?
I don't think I have one...

8. Who do you admire on theO?
The people who can draw!

9. When did you join theO?
Earlier this year like in March.

10. Do you like theO?
Duh! That's why I'm doing this tagg!

11. Have any nicknames on here?
Most people either call me Hula or Berry... Or Brooke-chan!

12. Belong to rps? If you do, names?
Let's see... There's the Alice Dream, Lords and Ladies, Forbidden Fruit, the Alternates, OHSHC Headquarters, Virus, SM: The New Generation, Youkai Academy, Ouran High School Host Club, Highest Life, TIME Academy, Maid Latte, and Void~! ^^

13. What do you usually do on here?
Post, RP, comment, look at wallies, PM, ya know, the usual stuff!

14. Do you know anyone on theO in real life?
BrotherlyLoveHK and Rukias Messenger!

15. Is a family member on here?

16. Do you comment often?
Of course! Commenting makes everybody feel better. X3

17. Is there anything you wish you could take back involving theO?
Not really!

18. If yes, what?
I wish I had made more use of my photoshop trial though... ^^;

19. How much of your time is spent on here?
A LOT. It's been decreasing since school started yesterday, but I like coming on as often as possible! :D

20. Do you keep in contact with anyone on theO that you don’t know in rl?

21. Something you LOVE about theO?
The nice people and the RP worlds!

22. Something you HATE about theO?
The mean people on here... And the people who can actually draw (unlike me) xD

23. Something you wish you could change?
Uh... Nothing comes to mind...

24. How many subscribers do you have?
71. There are a lot of people who don't appreciate the 100+ subscribers they have, and I'm ecstatic with 71. xD

25. Are you fine with that number?
I'm more than fine!

26. Do you call people on theO with “Chan”, “Kun”, “San”, “Sama”, “Sensei”, etc.?
Course I do!

27. Do you know what any of those even are?
*deadpans* You can't call yourself an otaku if you don't!

28. Who do you talk to on theO the most?
Kelsey or BrotherlyLoveHK!

29. Does theO have a influence on your every day life?
Anime has an influence on my everyday life...

30. What did you think of this 30 question meme?
It was fun! ^^
