Copycats: Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Rant ^^

LOL, Lady Gaga reference right there, ladies and gents. xDD

Anyways, I have something to say about copying, because it happens a lot, and maybe not to you but to those around you. First of all, I'd like to sue whoever came up with the saying "Copying is the highest form of flattery" because it sure as heck doesn't feel like it! Especially if you took your time and effort into creating something or thinking up an idea, and someone else just takes it from you.

Now, obviously I've copied from someone in the past as well, but I try REALLY hard to add my own touches to it so that it's my own as well as that other person's. And of course, I'd ask before taking their idea! I mean, copying without crediting or even asking permission is just wrong. How would you feel if you spent hours thinking of something, and someone snatches it without even letting you know?

There may be exceptions to this, however, like if you really love the way a person does something and you would like to know how to mimic their style in order to improve your own. But plagiarism is just taking it too far. I've never had my own work taken and put on another website (everything I do sucks -_-'), but even little things bother me, like emoticons, word usage, and really stupid stuff like that.

Basically, don't copy someone if you wouldn't like to be copied in that same way.

That will be all.


PS - Thanks to you guys for checking out this world! :DD I now have 3000 views!

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