Braces Begone! Revenge of the Retainer ^^

Haha that sounded like it'd be an episode title to Bleach or something. xDD LOL.

So, as you probably already, my braces are at long last OFF! Yes, off, I say! Gone with the wind! And I do not miss them at all! My appointment was at 10:45 yesterday, and I didn't leave until about 11:45, so it was an hour give or take. First, they stuck on the permanent retainers that go on the back of my front teeth (top and bottom), but I didn't know what the heck they were doing so I thought they were going to kill me or something... Just kidding, I didn't think that, but it was scary. X3

So then, they used this drill thingy to remove the glue off the braces, and all the brackets came off. Except I didn't know this, so when the lady told me to rinse my mouth, I had a heart attack because the braces weren't there. You'd think they'd give me a heads up, but NO! Whatever, I see how it's going to be...

So I left all happy and all cause my braces are off, huzzah! I went home, ate popcorn, watched a ton of anime, and at 4:15 we had to go back to get my retainers. Thankfully, they're clear, so you can barely tell that I am wearing them. But when I put them on it hurt SO badly! My whole gums started bleeding, and I am not even kidding here. @.@ It was painful.

But now, it doesn't hurt anymore, and I can eat all the freakin' popcorn that I wanna eat! Huzzah!


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Hehe :))
