Wanted: Visual Novel Download Help ^^


Okay, just kidding. xDD *shot*

Anyways, as you probably gathered from the title, I need help downloading a visual novel... Well, not DOWNLOADING the visual novel, because I already did that, but I need help getting the freakin' translating program (AGTH) to work. -_-' I have ATLAS installed too, but I don't know how to use the crack codes to make it so that I can use it forever. So, for the time being, it's just a thirty day trial...

If anyone uses the program AGTH or ATLAS for visual novels, please PM me or comment below so you can help me solve my problems! I'm gonna shoot something if I don't play this visual novel, because it took me ten years to get the darn thing onto this computer, and I'm gonna play it whether it wants me to or not!

*takes a few deep breaths* Okay, blowing off some steam there... ^^ The visual novel I am attempting to play is called Starry Sky, and the anime adaption will be coming out sometime in December. My friend told me about this and she can't wait to see it ('cause of the hot guys, apparently X3), and so we tried to download the visual novel. But Ms. Impatient over there (*shoots BrotherlyLoveHK an accusing glare*) wouldn't let me DO anything cause she didn't want to READ the freakin' directions, so I figured out how to do it AFTER she left my house. -_-'

So yeah, if you use AGTH or ATLAS, please let me know! I'm sure you can help in some way! :))

Arigato gozaimasu!
*points up* Oh yeah, like meh new signature? :3

External Image

My dude, the Capricorn, is the red haired dude who's looking all angry at the purple-haired dude. LOL.
