Uncomfortable Meme! *insert epic theme song here*

Not much to say here... Except I stole this from littlepooch! *demonic laugh* :3

10 OCD-ish things about you:
1. When I hang up a phone call, how long the call was has to end in either a 5 or a 0. (I have no clue why -_-')
2. The top of my binder has to slant downwards or else I must throw away a bunch of the papers inside...
3. I always start my homework from the first period that assigned homework to the last.
4. Every french fry I eat must be perfect. xDD
5. I don't like being the first one to go to bed.
6. I have to sit across from the person I talk to the most at lunch, sit next to the person I talk to least, and diagonal from the person I talk to second most. (it's just easier that way!)
7. I can't wait for long periods of time without doing something else.
8. If my desk is a mess and I'm too lazy to clean it, I must stack everything on top of each other to make it look like there is less stuff on it.
9. If I can do something in class, I don't do it and wait until I get home because I am usually too lazy. (^^;)
10. I absolutely cannot use the same emoticon twice in a PM or comment. (the same goes for words in a story!)

10 fears you have:
1. Bugs *eye twitch*
2. Getting a B in a class
3. Getting a B on a test =_=
4. All of my friends turning against me...
5. Getting jumped...
6. That I'll run out of animes one day
7. That someone I love will die T.T
8. That my dog/cat will run away
9. That someone will break into my house and shoot me in my sleep (haha WTF moment)
10. Being bald 0____o'

10 things you believe in:
1. Commenting on people's posts if you expect them to comment back
2. That things will come true if you believe... And work hard for it...
3. That I can't ever make a career out of singing no matter how much I love it
4. I absolutely cannot draw and will never be able to
5. I suck at writing way more than my friends -_-'
6. If you mess with me or any of my friends, I will make fun of you until you start crying... *innocent smile*
7. I will learn Japanese one day and will become a voice actress in Japan (LIES)
8. People online are nicer than they are in real life (well, that applies to me, anyways)
9. I will never be able to make a wallpaper again because GIMP is just too complicated and PS costs too much. >_<
10. Some day I will get a 100 subscribers. Eventually.

10 hobbies:
1. Singing
2. Dancing
3. Writing
4. Reading
5. Watching anime
6. Playing tapic on my ipod touch xDD
7. Boxing...? Running...? (I'm running out of things here!)
8. Hanging out with my friends
9. Playing Wii (I'm just thinking up random things at this point!)
10. Attempting to learn Japanese but failing epicly? Does that one count?

10 childhood dreams:
1. To become a famous singer (not happening!)
2. To become famous, period (still not happening...)
3. To be a millionaire (I was a crazy child)
4. To learn French
5. To move back to Hawaii
6. To get married and have a child and a dog 0___e
7. To have a whole animal shelter full of dogs and cats and other animals
8. To live in a mansion with a Burger King in it *shot*
9. To be one of the smartest people in the world (now that is a fail)
10. I don't even think I have a tenth one!

10 things you want:
1. To move to Japan
2. To learn Japanese
3. To become a Japanese VA X3
4. A billion dollars
5. To become a singer... Or an author...
6. To be good at drawing, so I could do something worthwhile during class
7. To be able to play the freakin' Starry Skies visual novel
8. To pass math T.T
9. To become Valedictorian one day
10. For me and my family to live forever...

10 things you're self-conscious about:
1. My face...
2. My height
3. My hair
4. My personality
5. My likes and dislikes
6. My hobbies
7. Speaking in Japanese in front of non-Japanese speaking people @.@
8. My grades
9. My writing abilities
10. My voice (so basically, everything =_=')

10 wishes:
1. To be rich! (is this not the same thing as ten things I want?)
2. For my friend to write her post in our RP *accusing glare*
3. To meet a bunch of people in real life who like anime
4. To meet a person online that I know in real life but don't know that I know them... If that made sense xDD
5. To have a cool eye color (like purple! ^^)
6. To have a cool hair color (like pink! *shot*)
7. To be older so I don't feel so young on the Otaku
8. To stop growing (ironic...)
9. To be taller
10. To be more creative...

10 regrets:
1. Not watching anime sooner. Shaaaaaame!
2. Going out with this one dude...
3. Joining choir... Haha but I would fail in band, drama, and orchestra, so that doesn't leave much else XD
4. Moving from Hawaii to here >_<
5. Not being more outgoing...
6. Not getting a new haircut sooner!
7. Getting my braces on... But I would've regretted not getting my braces on too. Fail.
8. Going out with this other dude... LOL.
9. Being jealous of people
10. Being selfish

Congratulations! You made it through the Uncomfortable Meme! Now tag some people: Uh... MiseryMiss... And I doubt anyone else is reading this, so feel free to do this if you want and don't if you don't. Simpleeee
