Presents for MiseryMiss and LightFykki! ^^

Okay, so I don't know if MiseryMiss is going to like this or not because I'm getting a very bad vibe from her at the moment (T.T), but I put my heart and soul into this icon, so you better. xDD Did color splashing on this one, and tinting, and that was basically it... All done on photobucket! Original icon was taken from livejournal! Enjoy~

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And you would think they'd have a billion great Byakuya avatars out there, but nooooo! It took me forever to find this one, and editing it was a pain in my... =_= Ugh. So the end result is this icon. I hope you don't hate it, LightFykki. T.T

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Some word changes there, it's basically your preference!

Use 'em, don't, it's up to you guys. :))

