Karma! ^^

I know you're getting sick of me posting already. XD Sorry people! If you don't want to read the pointless rant below leave now...

Okay, well, I come to you today somewhat ticked off... Cause I hate people who expect to get comments and stuff on their world when they don't comment themselves. Not that I'm speaking of anyone specifically, it just bugs the crap out of me. I mean, how long does it take to open a comment box and type ten characters just to make someone feel better? Not that long, let me tell you. =_= I mean, if I don't comment, I don't expect anything back, but if I do comment and that person just takes it for granted and does nothing in return... It irritates me.

Show some grateful-ness, people! Jeez. I mean, take it from LightFykki, who comments on everyone's posts. Obviously, it's not too much work to think up something to say in response to a person's posts, or even a fanart or wallpaper! And if you truly consider that person a friend to you, why wouldn't you comment? Sure a few missed here and there are alright, but you never know how that person might be looking forward to your opinion on something. I know I am always happy to see comments and replies and messages waiting for me when I log onto theO, and for you people who complain when you get nothing, well, there's one word for that.


Well, someone had to say it! *shot*

So, that basically sums up what I've been thinking for a while. I really have to thank LightFykki and Xxpicklejuice01xX (who I have to make an icon for!) for being so friendly and nice to me. :)) You guys are the best!

And on that happy note, I wrote a new story today! It's called Star-Crossed, and you can read it here! It's Greek mythology/high school themed!


Don't be a mean kitteh!
