I'm Goin' On a Trip~ ^^

I'm goin' on a trip in my favorite rocket sh- *shot*

Okaaaay! Well, in case you haven't already heard from MiseryMiss, she and I won a free, all-expense paid, trip to Washington DC! *somewhat enthusiastic shout* So yeah, I'm pretty excited! But kinda bummed now that I don't get to go to Hawaii over spring break now. :/ Hopefully we'll be able to go during the summer! ^^ And I won't be able to be on the computer for five days! I won't be able to go on the computer during the Anime Expo thing either. >_< I guess I better get used to not being on the computer, huh...

Aside from that, I've discovered a new obsession! Wanna know what it is? *pokes* Huh, huh, do ya, do ya? It's Japanese dramas! Ah mah gawds, they are just so amazing! I never thought I'd find anything that I liked more than anime but... I found it! First off, it's just awesome to see real people in action, ya know? And then I have people that I can actually love... Because they're real! I just finished the wallflower live action series today, and I was totally bawling. Let me tell you that it was WAAAAY better than the anime! Much more satisfying. :D And I'm watching Nobuto wo Produce now, which is pretty good so far!

Did I mention that Kazuya Kamenashi is probably the sexiest person EVERR?! *drools* He's a Japanese idol, a singer–songwriter, an actor, a producer, a radio host and an occasional model. How could you NOT love all that?! Here is a picture of him, although I have no idea how recent it is... But it's still pretty smexeh! :3

And that's about all I have to say! Thanks for readin', and I'll see you all next time!

Kame is Lurve,

External Image

Absolutely amazing cast! :3 I'm rooting for a second season, like that's ever going to happen...
