Fender Bender/World Revamp ^^

Hey guys! ^^ How're you all doing today? I myself am in a pretty good, because if you haven't noticed yet... I redid my entire world! :D Isn't it so pretty?! Much nicer than the ugliness that it was before. XD Let me know what you guys think of it! And I loove the intro, it looks so... sophisticated! And shout outs to MiseryMiss and LightFykki who's world links I've posted! :))

Anyways, this happened last week, but I haven't had a chance to post about it all week long! (cause for some reason I've had a lot of homework -_-') But last week I got into a mini car crash! It was kind of scary... What happened was that I was in the car with my momm cause she needs company to go to Walmart, and we were turning into one of those shopping center thingies, and some random blind chick comes barreling out onto the street straight into the back of the car. It was so obviously her fault. No one was injured, and my mom says that she was worried more for our dog than for me. XD Well, she knows how to make a person feel loved!

Also, if you haven't noticed, I have changed my icon to the awesome Lady Phantomhive! After MiseryMiss finally reminded me to watch Kuroshitsuji, I really liked it and ended up watching 15 episodes of it on Sunday. ^^ I know, I have nothing better to do on the weekends! But it's really good, and I can't wait to finish the first season!

So yeah, that's basically all I have to say. :)) Enjoy the new awesomeness of this world!


PS If you haven't already, scroll down to the post below and listen to my and my friends' Jar of Hearts cover!

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