Happehness ^^

*is currently bouncing around the room* XD

Well, I am suuuper happy today, the first reason being that it's Friday (duh) and exams are over (double duh!)! So I guess now there are three reasons, huh? ^^; I probably failed my math and science exams (=_=), but I think I did pretty good in English... Maybe... T.T

Anyways, the third reason is that my card is on the main page! Fo-freakin-sho! Aaaaand, look at that! Look at it! (*feels really stupid getting all hyped up over this*)

External Image

KYAAAA! I've reached the ultimate happiness. *____* Especially now so that exams are over. Haleluiaa! And now I have all weekend to finish all the icons that I still have to do, and basically do a bunch of other random stuff...

And my daddeh is coming home today, too! Huzzah! And yeah, that's basically all I have to say to you guys today. ^^ Thanks for reading! You guys rock! :D


My new favorite-ist card that I have ever made. XD
