Huzzah! ^^

Hellooo everyone~ Not as happy as I was in the post I made two days ago, but I'm doing pretty good. XD How are all you guys doing? Unfortunately today is Sunday, and there's school tomorrow. :/ Bleh. Where'd my weekend gooo?! >_<

Anyways, I am currently listening to the Phantom of the Opera movie, for the second time in a row. It's actually pretty entertaining. X3 I have sooo many icons to make lately, and the only thing I seem to be able to do that doesn't absolutely suck is make cards. T.T If I owe you an icon, I apologize for taking so long to make them!

Good news for those of you who actually care about me and talk to me here on theO! ^^ I got all A's on my semester exams, so my computer is mineee! Bwahaha! >D In case you guys don't know my mother, she will take my computer even if I get an 89 on something. 0_______e So yeah, huzzah for getting lucky! :))

Changed my avi, too! And my font, can you believe it?! Yeah, I miss the comic sans, but change is good... Right? Hopefully. :D

Thanks for readin'!

External Image

Card I worked so hard on for MiseryMiss's challenge, *~Wonderfully Twisted~*

PS: Head on over to xNotUnderstood's profile and tell her to feel better because she is currently having back pains now! DO ITTT! >O
