Long Time No Post! ^^

It's been too long since I last posted here! I feel like I'm wasting this world. T.T And after I made it all pretty, too... So, here goes nothin! (maybe this time it'll actually work unlike the ten billion posts I tried to make Sunday -_-')

Sooooo, my friend and I took random pictures at the park and in the flood channel behind my house even though it's illegal to go in there XD on Saturday! It was pretty fun. :D We didn't record any songs though, I'm thinking of singing Killing me Softly, but who knows! ^^ Any suggestions?

And I miss semester exams now because we actually have homework and tests and stuff. Ahaha I totally forgot how that felt. *epic fail* x3 I still find lots of time for theO, of course! :)) And Phantom.

OOOOOH READ THIS FOOLS! I'm gonna be making gifts for a bunch of random people, so if you are one of the random people who clicked on this post, tell me who your favorite anime/manga/video game characters are, and your wish shall be granted. :3 Also, I do birthday gifts now, so be expecting one if your birthday is coming up!

Also, MiseryMiss came to school today! *throws confetti* So even though I had to breathe into the sleeve of my jacket in order to not get sick, it was good seeing my daughter/elderly wife come back to school. :D She's my daughter because of our showchoir family, and my elderly wife cause we bicker a lot. And I like the old dude from Up, so I get to be the elderly husband here. XD

That's about all I have to say! Thanks for reading!

Deuces! *has always wanted to say that* XD

One of my favorite cards I've ever made! =w=
