V-Day~ ^^

Happy Valentines Day, everyone! :D I hope the day of loooove has been treating you nicely. For those of you without a Valentine on this fine day, just think of it as a National Holiday to eat all the chocolate you want. Nom nom. x3

BUT, luckily, I had my virtual valentine, Fy-Fy. And although he wasn't with me in body, he was with me in spirit. Or the other way around. I doubt it matters. XD So today was a wonderful day for me. For the most part. :)

The other part that was not the most part, was some creepy dude at the Valentines Dance I was in charge of. 0______e First, he hit me on the head with a balloon and said I was mean because I didn't give him a hug. Uh? So I gave him a hug, then he holds me there for like ten years while I inch away slowly and am close to socking him in the face. Then he asks me my name. I was inclined to give him a fake one. But I'm not an impulsive liar. XD Beware of creepy dudes like that. They're everywhere!

Lots of Love,

Card I made for Fy-Fy. :3
