A Fine Line ^^

A fine line between me and going crazy. =____=; I don't think that I have ever had such low grades in the past. It's RIDICULOUS. Last week I went on a straight A field trip for the first semester (a HALF A DAY trip), and I come back to have all B's and C's for my grades! I don't think it's fair that teachers should give a billion tests out when they KNOW students are going to be absent! And my math teacher (I hate her...) put in a test we just took on Tuesday as missing in the grade book, when I WAS there and I DID take that test! And I'm pretty sure I got a good grade on it, too! So now I have a big fat C in math, a B in Health, a B in English, and an almost B in choir. UGH.

Grade depression aside, I've been reading a great book series! It's pretty old, so most of you have probably never heard on it. XD The first book is Flowers in the Attic, and I'm currently on Petals in the Wind, which is the most frustrating book EVER. I seriously want to kill all the characters (except Chris <33).

And, you guys know how Cristina Vee sings the English version of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya's second opening?? Well, she also sings an English version of Touhou Project's Bad Apple, and I absolutely love it! It's so catchy! I'll probably do a cover of that song in the near future. :))

Take care, guys~

