Gone for 2 Days~ ^^

Hey guys! How's it goin? As for me, I am going to be completely gone for the next two days! I think this is the longest so far that I've ever been gone from here. XD I have this OCD thing about me where I have to keep up with updates and such, or I feel like I'll miss something important...

But anyways, I'm going on a trip with my sucky choir to Universal Studios, and it's an overnight trip that we get back from early Sunday morning. So on top of suffering with all the people I despise in my choir class, I won't have internet access! *cries* But it's all good, I'll survive... Somehow... *dies*

On that note, Happy Early April Fools! I'm almost glad I'm not gonna be here tomorrow, what with the pony icons for everyone. *shudders* And who knows what kind of practical jokes people can play virtually? That's a disturbing thought. :'D

Hopefully I won't be so busy in the coming weeks that I actually have time to make a card or finish a wallpaper, but... That's wishful thinking. T.T

See ya'll Sunday!

External Image

What all our icons look like. XD
