Pink DOMO/Universal Trip!~ ^^

I'M BAAAACK! I was gone for two days, and I still feel deprived of being on here. XD Hope you all didn't miss me too much (which you probably didn't ;D).

First business is that I WON A PINK DOMO! Actually, me, this one guy I hate, and this other guy won it at one of those game booths. XD So I got one, and then we won one for this other girl that was in our group. A picture of the pink domo!

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Surprisingly, my choir got a gold for our festival performance, meaning we're the top 10% of our age group's skills, or something like that. Then we ate at a random park, went to the hotel and swam. I didn't want to get my hair wet because it takes ten years to do (I have complicated hair X3;;), but these two guys kept pestering me about swimming to the point where I was going to punch them.

Universal was really fun, but there aren't very many rides there. >_____< We watched this animal show and Terminator 2, rode Jurassic Park 3 times, and the Mummy like 10 times (front row, baby ;D), and some other random stuff. Then we went home (but the ride was very, let's just say, eventful 0___________e).

So yeah, that was my Universal Studios trip! It's good to be back. :))
