Dying... X______x

Hey guys! Wow, I feel so Otaku deprived. *dies* I have a terrible cold so yesterday I just came home and slept all day... And I CANNOT believe I missed zumba yesterday with the smexy Latin male stripper zumba substitute! Darn it, my mom even said he was better than our other zumba instructor from Wednesdays and Thursdays. *cries*

So, that is why I didn't get on yesterday even once... It's a surprise I'm even on now, but my mom isn't home so it's all good. ;D Missing school makes me SO stressed out though! Gosh, I can just imagine all the F's I'm getting as I type this. *dies again* Yesterday I missed most of my classes because of this student of the month buffet thing, I missed all of school on Friday, math on Thursday, and now I'm missing all of today. OMG.

I'm gonna go and make some crappy cards now to take the stress away. :'D


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