Gone For FIVE Days! D:

Hello everyone!! Oh my, it's been a while! I figured none of you like reading about my life, though, so I don't really post about it. Eheh. XD

Anyways, this time I'm going to be gone from the Otaku for FIVE days! Egad! It seemed like a longer time when I signed up for this trip. -______-; But, I'm going to Washington DC for FREE for the next five days with my school's principal, vice principal, and 11 other people! We had to write an essay and be ranked by all our teachers and the counselors... Pretty intense stuff. 0________e

So yeah! DC, next five days, no computer *dies*. I might just kill myself or something along the way. You never know. Hehe. Try not to miss me too much, or do anything exciting while I'm gone. Just saying. X3

On a totally random note, I am COMPLETELY obsessed with Cafe Life and Monster Galaxy on facebook! I don't even have a facebook, lmao. If you play either of those games, you should all add my friend's account (Chey Collins), so that I can have more friends. BWAHAHA. >D

