DC Among Other Things ^^

Hey guys! GUESS WHAT? I wrote this huge, long post about my five day trip to DC, and then I accidentally closed out of the tab with the post in it. So, instead of rewriting all of it again, and having you guys ignore the mile-long update, I'm just gonna summarize the most important things. XD

SO, we got to go into the White House (the president was in there at the same time!! :0), got to meet Harry Reed (Nevada's senator, woooo!), went to the Holocaust museum, the spy museum, went up into the Washington Monument, aaaaand did a bunch of other things that escape my memory! Long story short, it was pretty fun!

Among Other Things incluuuuuuudes the movie a couple friends and I went to see! And that was Arthur! There were only four other people in the movie theater, and my friends and I were the only ones laughing in the entire theater... XD I say we were the only ones who got the jokes. But that's just me. :D

I made a video with pictures from the DC trip, but unfortunately it won't upload to youtube... If anyone knows what the problem is, or how I can fix it, please let me know!! I really want you guys to see the video. :3 Thanks~

