Plaigarism :o

All I have to say is that a lot of my works will probably get deleted in the near future. :o But honestly, I have to say I am not particularly fazed by this. Have you ever felt like you are outside of yourself looking in on your life? That is kind of how I feel about this situation. Whereas before I would have been completely outraged if one of my works got deleted, now I'm just like, meh. I have every card saved to my computer, and I will always have the original images, as well. (saved to a flashdrive, too, just in case) And if my account gets deleted, then maybe it's for the best. *epic sigh* And I'm not trying to be overly depressing or anything. I'm just sick and tired of everyone shouting "THE RULEZ BROOKE Y U NO FORROW RULEZ?!" I'm just sick of life right now. ^^;

Good Day,
