OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. PEOPLE. OF. THE OTAKU. *turns off caps lock*

Anyways! Anime Expo just announced their fourth guest of honor... MIKU HATSUNE. That's right, the FIRST EVER live virtual concert in America, AND I GET TO SEE IT. *spazzes and dies* Even if I'm not the biggest fan of Miku, this is just so freaking surreal! I can't believe I'm going to see a LIVE VOCALOID CONCERT! As you guys can see, I'm flippin out here. XD

On that note, I guess things have improved from my little depressed angry rant I made a while ago... Ahaha, I'm just not on here much because I've gotten a lil lazy, and very unmotivated to come onto this site. For some reason, now that I can't make any more cards, all interest for this site in me has died. LUCKILY, I have you awesome people to talk to on here(:

Peace out!

