Writer's Block Begone? ^^

Hi guys! ^^ Just thought I would update... I dunno, I'm bored. :P Aha, well, I won't be bored at this time tomorrow because--yep, you guessed it!--summer school starts tomorrow! Oh, joy! Ahah, I know I'm going to be a total loner... I'm hoping I at least know one person, but meh. PE doesn't require you to talk to anyone. Perhaps this is my chance to *shudder* socialize! I'm gonna die.

On that positive note, I'm going to attempt to start writing everyday again. :D I really want to get back into all that, and because my creativity with cards has been halted, I shall do it through writing instead... Added somethin' new to my :Unwritten::Undefined: world! Man, has it been a while since I wrote in that world, or what? @.@

Uhh, last week Tuesday I went to a friend's birthday party. We went to this place called Crystal Palace (a roller skating place). Being the Asian ninjas that they are, most of my friends were skating in circles around me. T.T The day I learn to skate backwards is the day I triumph over all! XD Ahah, yes, good luck to me, eh?


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